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Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play
Question 1 thru 10 of 438


Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play 9/15/2016

Matt of Bristow, VA USA asks...

The new LoGs state that a referee may not manufacture the outcome of a dropped ball. Given that, how would you handle a situation were a keeper makes a save and before distributing the ball notifies you that it is flat. You are close enough that you...

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Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play 9/13/2016

Mark of San Jose, CAlifornia USA asks...

For dropped ball, I understand it must at least two players for it to be a legal goal. If the ball is dropped and a player dribbles around the penalty area, hasn't touched a player, just the dribbling player,t hen leaves the penalty area and then sho...

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Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play 8/9/2016

Sam of Santa Clara, CA USA asks...

In the new laws, it says that it has to at least touch two players in order for it to be a legal goal if it enters the goal, from a dropped ball. If a player takes the ball from a dropped ball and dribbled it and shoots and scores, is that still a le...

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Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play 8/9/2016

Trevor Cox of Reading, PA USA asks...

Now that, at the kick-off, the ball may be passed backwards, has the law on players being in their own half changed? I notice the kicking player is always in the opponents half at kick-off, it will be very difficult for the kicking player to pass bac...

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Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play 8/6/2016

Matt Noah of Fargo, ND USA asks...

This references a kick-off. The video of the kick-off can be viewed at starting at around the 35:45 mark.

The team in white clearly is not in their half of the field for the kick-off. Af...

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Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play 7/20/2016

Cindy Verne of Placentia, CA usa asks...

After a foul when does the referee have to restart the game with there whistle and when can you that the kick without the referee blowing there whistle...

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Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play 7/7/2016

Chris Thomas of Fairfield, CA United States asks...

UEFA Semi-final: Germany v France kickoff second half -

Germany kicked the ball backward, directly to a teammate. It did not go forward. Is 'the ball must move forward' considered a trivial issue? Why was the errant kickoff allowed? Di...

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Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play 6/26/2016

Nigel of Henton, England asks...

New kick off rule - can the person kicking off shoot before one of his own players touches the ball?...

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Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play 6/26/2016

graeme ross of gree, scotland asks...

can you tell me in what year the requirement for the ball to travel its' circumference was removed from the laws of the game?...

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Law 8 - Start and Restart of Play 6/13/2016

Juan Ochoa of Norfolk, VA USA asks...

At the start of the Ireland vs Sweden game during Euro 2016 this morning, the Swedes started the game with the foward kicking directly backwards to the defense. It never went foward. Is this a new rule???


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