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Law 15 - Throw In
Question 1 thru 10 of 534


Law 15 - Throw In 9/22/2016

George of Parangarecutirimicuaro, CA Sacratomato asks...

Over the weekend, it was a very wet morning. A player initiated a throw in. As the ball was coming forward, both hands, from behind the head....just as the throw in was being completed, the ball slips out of the players hand and comes out a little aw...

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Law 15 - Throw In 9/7/2016

Phil of Tarzana, CA United States asks...

Law 15.1 (throw-in) now specifically says the ball must be thrown with both hands. The explanation says this is to prevent a one handed throw with the other hand just guiding.

In the past, some referees would penalize a throw-in where the b...

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Law 15 - Throw In 9/6/2016

Barry Stewart of Chilliwack, BC Canada asks...

I know what the Laws say about feet on or behind the line at throw-ins but is there any sensible reason why the line touch is allowed?

The sideline is part of the playing surface, unlike in basketball or gridiron football, so it would be log...

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Law 15 - Throw In 9/4/2016

david of town center, vt usa asks...

Years ago I was told ' For a throw in, feet must be behind, not on, the line. Now feet are allowed onto the interior of the field as long as they touch a portion of the line' Has the rule changed?

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Law 15 - Throw In 6/19/2016

Warren Mackie of Auckland, New Zealand asks...

During the throw in is it illegal to spin the ball? I constantly have players asking for a foul throw when the ball spins in the air, most of the time this is just a result of the wind or a slight spin on the ball when it leaves the hands which i bel...

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Law 15 - Throw In 6/16/2016

Ben of Lakeville, Minnesota United States asks...

on a throw in what if the player delivers the ball well behind the touch line? the rule says you must 'delivers the ball from the point where it left the field of play' and 'has part of each foot either on the touch line or on the ground outside the ...

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Law 15 - Throw In 6/14/2016

Bill Green of Bebington, UK asks...

When I was a lad, a throw in had to be taken from the point where the ball crossed the line. Nowadays that seems to be the starting point for a run of anything up to 10 yards before launching the ball. Has there been a change in the laws or are ref...

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Law 15 - Throw In 5/27/2016

Rob of Flin Flon, Canada asks...

Can the opposing team score on a throw in if before going into the goal the goalie touches the ball attempting to stop the ball....

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Law 15 - Throw In 5/16/2016

Matt of Bristow, VA USA asks...

Had a very similar question (what does the ref do if the ball touches the ground prior to crossing the touchline) and looked at the LOG which do not address the issue specifically. However, the ATR states, 'If the ball touches the ground before ente...

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Law 15 - Throw In 5/12/2016

Jolene Peters of North Augusta, SC USA asks...

Is it legal for a player to make a throw in so that is bounces on the ground? The player has followed all the mechanics for feet, hands, taking the ball completely over the head, etc. The throw is not lofted, but directed toward the ground so as a te...

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