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Question Number: 30802

Law 15 - Throw In 9/22/2016

RE: Amateur Adult

George of Parangarecutirimicuaro, CA Sacratomato asks...

Over the weekend, it was a very wet morning. A player initiated a throw in. As the ball was coming forward, both hands, from behind the head....just as the throw in was being completed, the ball slips out of the players hand and comes out a little awkward. I was the AR next to the player. In my opinion, the criteria was met for a good throw in so i let play continue. The CR blew his whistle and awarded a throw in to the other team. I would like to know what did i miss?

Answer provided by Referee Peter Grove

Hi George,

It is very possible that you did not miss anything and that this is a simple case of two officials having a different point of view - whether physically or conceptually.

I would say that there are some referees who (IMHO) are way too finicky in calling improperly-taken throw-ins. The requirements of the law in this regard are relatively few and many perceived offences are probably either not really offences or are so trivial as to not be worth calling.

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Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi George
This should be covered in the pre match discussion. Typically I ask ARs to look after foot faults only and I as referee look after the throwing action. As Referee Grove points out referees having differing opinions on what us legal at a throw in and what us not. So really you did not miss anything just a difference of interpretation. I suspect that it depends on how much of the throw was a slip of the ball.
Indeed at lower age groups I might allow the player to retake the throw in.
Have a look at this compilation
At frame 29 the ball slips out of the Red players hands. The referee awards the TI to White and I believe correctly so. As the ball was not thrown more dropped. Another two at frames 58 to 106. I believe TIs were awarded rather than DFKs for handling.

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