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Question Number: 29301

Law 6 - Assistant Referee 4/12/2015

RE: Competitive Under 16

Paul of Milton, Canada asks...

My question is about proper AR positioning and flag technique on unique offside situations.

An attacker in his own half cleared the ball high up in the air. A teammate was in an offside position when the ball was played, about a yard ahead of the halfway line.

As the ball travelled forward, it wasn't apparently clear whether the teammate was interfering with play or with an opponent until about 2.5 seconds afterward. At this point, I follow the 2nd last defender for another 10 yards. Once I determined the player was indeed interfering, I raised my flag.

Because the law states that the IDFK is at the point where the offending attacker was when the ball was last played to him, do I point my flag towards that location 10 yards behind, or do I point it straight ahead of me and communicate verbally?

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Paul
Signal the offside as normal with a raised flag and then point near, middle or far. Once the CR accepts the flag with an IDFK awarded, move back to the point of the offside infringement. The defending team will be guided by your position as to the location of the IDFK.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi Paul,
indicate the mid (restart location) per your flag extended in front then side step to the actual location. The relative importance of an offside restart location is quite liberal in its interpretation as to needed to be an exact blade of grass. Still you perform as expected, the referee will use your proficiency in cooperation with his own management decisions.
Enjoy the game, have fun, remember to keep the players safe!

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Answer provided by Referee Ben Mueller

I agree with my colleagues. Signal for the offside with the flag up. Then signal far, middle, or near. Then help the non guilty team mark the ball for the upcoming free kick. After all is said and done, you position yourself even with the second to last defender or the ball whatever is closer to the goal line. Also, keep in mind the infraction occurs at the point the guilty player was WHEN HIS TEAMMATE touched the ball. Sounds like that would bring the free kick closer to the half way line. Sometimes you do not decide that the player was interfering with play until a little later. Sounds like you did a great job here assessing the situation and making sure that the flag stays down until you know for sure that he got involved with the play. Kudos to you!

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Offside Explained by Chuck Fleischer & Richard Dawson, Former & Current Editor of AskTheRef

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