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Question Number: 30189

Law 17 - Corner Kick 3/10/2016

RE: All Levels Other

George of Parangarecutirimicuaro, CA Sacratomato asks...

Lately, I have seen a trick with more frequency. Player A sets up for a corner kick. As player B approaches, player A taps the ball. Both players pretend to be switching places. Once player B gets to the ball, he/she starts dribbling the ball.
I remember seeing the same play during the last mens world cup and the referee ordered a rekick in that game. I have also seen other referees in rec call the play back. I was wondering if I could get the panel's opinion on this particular play.

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi George
This has been asked many times. Essentially if the ball is kicked and put into play by Player A then there is no issue about Player B playing the ball by dribbling it away.
Now where it gets difficult is when the kicking team uses verbal distraction to achieve this. If Player B shouts say *Leave it Ill take it* and a defender looks around to see Player B coming across yet misses the kick by Player A or the ball has already been put into play then that is unsporting rather than guile. Similarly if a member of the technical area shouts something similar towards Players A and B then that is also unsporting.
Another factor to take into account is whether the ball leaves the corner arc or not. If the ball leaves the arc Player B cannot be guilty of a double touch even if the referee wants to consider that.
My approach is to look for a retake in all circumstances.
In this instance I would not allow this. It is patently unsporting and I would just stop play and ask that the corner kick is taken again as I did not see the original kick. I would also speak with the technical staff. Also not sure what it achieves in the game. An uncontested goal in this manner not something to be proud of.
Here is one that was allowed and I would ask was there a double touch. The whistle
Here is one not allowed
Does the AR believe that the ball was never stationary for the kick to be taken? Was the ball kicked?
I would make the final point that the opponents can also decide that say the ball is put in play when it is not and start contesting on non kicks. Ryan Giggs on Manchester United always placed the ball with his foot never his hands at a corner kick.
That is not a kick. If players think that it is and contest the ball then that poses a problem for the referee and the game.
In this instance the referee deemed that the kick was taken for which he was heavily criticised.
I just keep it simple. I just do not allow it. The more times it is not dealt with the more frequent they become.

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Answer provided by Referee Joe Manjone

This is done frequently in high school play and there is nothing illegal about it as any player may take the kick, the ball has been kicked, and another player takes the second kick. I have never seen it called back in high school play.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi George,
the referee must be aware the ball was placed correctly and deem the action was seen as a kick, not a tap (places their foot on top of the ball) or a sole role {where the foot remains on the ball) as in relocating it. The 2nd player is free to do as he pleases, provided the referee is ok with such an action and is not dealing with the kerfuffles in the middle of the PA where he is adamant on whistling in the corner kick as a starting mechanic.

The astute defender who charges in at the exact moment of that 1st kick, I have seen teams TRYING this trick cry foul he is too close, to no avail, but it shows some try to get an unfair advantage. Unless there is more too it then you describe to create an unsporting action as described by my colleague Ref McHugh

My main point! The ball placement in the arc must NOT be confused with the ball kick!
Ball placed by HAND into the arc ball then visibly kicked and left alone! works as a clear 2nd guy can dribble! No devious words or subterfuge by coach or verbal deceptions.
The ball does not have to leave the arc just move enough to be identified as a kick in the opinion of the referee.

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