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Question Number: 30385Law 6 - Assistant Referee 5/3/2016RE: Rec Under 15 Cameron McClellan of Ridgefield, Connecticut US asks...I am a new referee, my first game is this weekend. I will be riffing young players and will be an assistant. What are the most important things I should remember. Answer provided by Referee Jason Wright Hi Cameron, Welcome aboard, and good luck for the weekend! My advice will be to study the laws. Laws 11 and 12 are the ones you really need to know inside out, more than any other. As an AR, Law 11 will probably be more important - while calling fouls is part of the role as an AR, especially on your first game you'll probably want to focus more on ball in/out of play and offside. When an AR calls a foul, he needs to do so knowing his view is better than the referee and in a manner consistent with the referee. Only spectators pay at the gate. Don't get caught ball watching when the ball is up the other end of the field. Keep glancing at your second last line of defence to stay in line. Also, you're the eyes in the back of the referee's head. Scan the field when you're not having to do much else - in particular, if 2 players are tangled up and play moves on, you need to make sure that you can see if a fight starts. Even on an U/10 match I've had a keeper stomp on an opponent on the ground! Confidence. Make your signals sharp and clear. Practice in the mirror. If you have no idea whose ball it is, let the referee make his decision then just mirror his signal. As you gain experience you'll learn techniques where you can communicate with the referee disretely to ensure you're both on the same page first. But if the referee has made a signal and you thought it was the other way - don't signal in disagreement. Just go with the referee. Get there early enough to be fully prepared, and enjoy it!!!
Read other questions answered by Referee Jason Wright
View Referee Jason Wright profileAnswer provided by Referee Joe McHugh Hi Cameron Welcome to refereeing and I trust you will enjoy it. You will be providing a very valuable service to the game. At the weekend you will be there to assist the referee. Please read Law 6 again. It is the referees game to call and your duties will be outlined by him at the pre match briefing in line with Law 6. The key duties for an AR are ball out of play and offside. Please look at the assistant referee flag signals in rear of the Laws of the Game booklet under Law 6. This is also a good resource https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h-XHXTi3OuI When all the ball crosses all of a boundary line the AR signals that. The signal also points direction. Left hand pointing left towards half way is a defensive thow in while right hand pointing right is an attacking throw. If you are unsure of direction look at the CR for his opinion. If it is a corner kick the flag points down towards the flag and corner arc. If it is a goal kick it points in towards the goal area. Both signals are made with the right hand The next important task is offside. You need to understand Law 11 and if a player in an offside position interferes with play or interferes with an opponent the flag is raised to inform the referee of offside. Obviously you have to keep following the second last opponent to be in position to judge the positions accurately. Being in an offside position is not enough and as an AR you will see plenty of time where a player is beyond the 2nd last defender. That player has to do something more than just being there to be called offside Final part. ARs are extra eyes and ears for the referee . If he misses something important such as unseen misconduct behind his back the AR must alert the referee to this. There also may be fouls that the referee misses that the AR must also alert him to. The challenge is that if the CR has seen it clearly he does not need an AR flagging.
Read other questions answered by Referee Joe McHugh
View Referee Joe McHugh profileAnswer provided by Referee Gary Voshol Offside, offside and offside. And after offside, ball out of play. Stay in position to be able to see the offside - even with the 2nd to last opponent. Remember, the goalkeeper usually is the last opponent, but not always, she may play up to get a ball from time to time. But if youre in the right position, its easier to sell the call. Signal confidently. And when you get your first center, blow the whistle like you mean it. Whistles should have 3 volume levels - sorta loud, loud, and really loud. Let the center know its your first games, but dont let the fans know!
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