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Question Number: 30584Law 6 - Assistant Referee 7/8/2016RE: Competitive High School MARV of Bowmanville, Ontario Canada asks...RE: Euro Semi-Final France Germany Germany's Schweinsteiger was called/cautioned for deliberately handling the ball near the end of the first half with the infraction resulting in a PK. I noticed the following: 1. CR Rizzoli did not immediately whistle/signal a foul. 2. The AR did not raise/agitate the flag. 3. During the German protest of the decision Referee Rizzoli seemed to gesticulate that either the AR or AAR had spotted and/or confirmed the foul. Could CR Rizzoli and the AR have confirmed the handling by mutual electronic communication? Could the AAR have verbally communicated the infraction? Any thoughts on what crew mechanics were used to allow CR Rizzoli to make what was IMHO a sound and appropriate decison? Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh Hi Marv At this level all six officials are miked up plus all of the 4 assistants have a buzzer. It is more than likely that what might be missed by the referee is communicated by an assistant both by buzzer and by voice. Referee Rizolli may have had the AAR or AR shouting DHB at the incident and buzzing. ARs might be instructed not to flag in certain situation such as where the CR has a clear view yet rather buzz and speak. That allows the referee to make his decision. I would suggest that you look at the attached UEFA video which gives an insight into refereeing at this level and the communication that happens onfield between the referee crew. Change the subtitles to English to understand fully the communications. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=coK5US8tfK4 The video was made before AARs yet the principle and method would still be the same just extra eyes and inputs.
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