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Question Number: 33234

Law 3 - The Players 4/11/2019

RE: Other

Jamie Marler of Birmingham, Midlands United Kingdom asks...

Can a manager or coach be shown yellow or red cards when in the technical area?

I know a manager or coach can be 'sent off' if the referee feels he has done something wrong, but surely a yellow card would never be shown?

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Jamie
That is all about to change. IFAB ran pilot projects in a number of locations including the UK on this and from next season on coaches and technical staff will be shown red and yellow cards the same as players, substitutes and substituted players.
This is what IFAB has to say on the matter and I qute.
** A team official guilty of misconduct will be shown a Yellow Card (caution) or Red Card (sending off)*;
if the offender cannot be identified, the senior coach who is in the technical area at the time will receive the YC/RC
* Law 12 will have a list of YC/RC offences
The experiment with YC/RC for misconduct by team officials has been successful and
has revealed many benefits at all levels, including for young referees dealing with
difficult adult coaches. If the offender cannot be identified, the senior team official
(usually the main coach) in the technical area will receive the YC/RC (as the person
responsible for the other team officials). **

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

HI Jamie , actually the LOTG are now engaging this action as part of the soccer culture given it was being done in youth and school leagues albeit illegally as an adaptation of ROC protocols to help encourage and support young referees against the adult coaches screaming fits and tirades along the touchlines or technical areas. .The merit of such action as showing cards to team members players subs coaches and trainers has been acknowledged and will now be part of the game. Just like the sin bins and timeouts prior. The game is evolving with regards to fair play and what constitutes reasonable behavior.

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Answer provided by Referee Peter Grove

Hi Jamie,
At the current point in time, it depends which league or competition we are talking about. Various competitions in different countries have already been authorised by the IFAB to issue cards to team officials. For instance in England, starting in 2018, red and yellow cards are being issued to team officials for misconduct in the technical area in the following competitions: FA Cup, Football League, EFL Cup, EFL Trophy and National League.

However in the Premier League, team officials still are only receiving verbal cautions for 'irresponsible behaviour' in the 2018-19 campaign.

As my colleagues have stated, from next season cards can be issued to team officials in all competitions world-wide, if they are guilty of misconduct.

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