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Question Number: 34901

League Specific 3/4/2023

RE: Adult

Peter Weightman of Liverpool, Merseyside England asks...

In English Premier League, if a player gets 10 yellow cards it’s a 2 match ban. If in the same game as he gets his 10th card he gets a second yellow (leading to a red card), how many games is he banned for?

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Peter
My understanding is that the player will receive one game ban for the two cautions red card.
In addition the player will still stay on 8 cautions or how ever many he started with and when he reaches 10 cautions will result in a two game ban.
The two caution dismissals card does NOT count for accumulation of caution purposes. Note, however, that a yellow and a straight red means that the caution DOES still count.

So in your example the player will miss the next game and when he reaches 10 cautions it will result in a two game suspension.

The one caveat is th.
at these sanctions may change from season to season and this is my understanding which may or may not be up to date. As referees it is not something that we pay very much attention to.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi Peter,
the consequences of continual unfair or reckless actions resulting in an accumulation of 10 yellow card cautions over time is not a proud accomplishment by a player. Match bans are usually reserved for straight red card send off events, the subpar performances of these undisciplined players that create these cautionable events, sit out a 2 match ban for no reason other than persistent infringement over a season.
The double caution in a single match which -IS- a red card send off event, those two cautions are not part of the yellow card accumulation 10 card total as THEY are acted upon immediately with the red card send off reducing the team by a player.

As my esteemed colleague Ref Mc Hugh noted if a player was on 8 yellow cards in a season and received two more cautions in a single match, which result in the soft red card and a send off plus possible additional bans or fines thus that match ban is acted upon immediately. There will still only be 8 disciplinary cautions on his record counting towards the 10 total ban.

Should a player be on 8 accumulated cautions but received a single 9th caution in the first half but proceeded to get bounced for a direct red card excessive tackle violation in the 2nd half he would be now at 9 cautions for the season. So lets say a 3 match ban was imposed So after the 3 match ban of that red card was over, upon his return to the team in that 4th match and he were to receive a caution and be shown the yellow card , bye bye, gone for another two matches as 10 total cautions now achieved.

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