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Question Number: 35096

The Technical Area 9/6/2023

RE: Competitive High School

Jeff Rockow of Flagstaff, AZ United States asks...

According to the LOTG, can a coach use a bullhorn device to amplify their voice to communicate to the players on the pitch? As I read Law 4 Section 4, the coach can use electronic communication devices for “tactical/coaching reasons”. It doesn’t specifically prohibit or allow an electronic bullhorn. One of the problems with allowing such an electronic communication aid by the coach is that there is nothing that would prevent the coach from turning the volume to “11” and really interfering with the spirit of the game.

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Jeff
Thanks for the question
No a bullhorn would not be allowed under the Laws. It is spelt out in the following

“”The use of any form of electronic communication by team officials is permitted where it directly relates to player welfare or safety or for tactical/coaching reasons but only small, mobile, handheld equipment (e.g. microphone, headphone, earpiece, mobile phone/ smartphone, smartwatch, tablet, laptop) may be used. A team official who uses unauthorised equipment or who behaves in an inappropriate manner as a result of the use of electronic or communication equipment will be sent off.“”

A bullhorn would be unauthorised equipment as it is a communication device not used for safety / welfare or for tactical / coaching reason and it is not allowed.

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Answer provided by Referee Joe Manjone

Coach Rockow,

Arizona high school soccer games utilize National Federation of High School rules. NFHS rules as indicated in NFHS Rule 12-9-1e do not permit coaches to use electronic communication devices with the on-field players during play. Examples provided in this rule include: amplifying devices, wireless communication devices, such as cell phones, head phones, personal digital assistant, etc.

Thus, in NFHS rules, the bullhorn which is an amplifying device is prohibited.

It is surprising to hear that Flagstaff High School girls soccer is played as a winter sport from December to February. I hope your team has a successful season.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi Jeff,
traditionally not something you allow on the pitch. I have made an exception for a coach who had a voice impediment and used it as almost a medical outreach device as an operation had greatly reduced his vocal cords effectiveness . The other coach was fine with it as a one off kind of thing. Neither high school rules or FIFA /IFAB LOTG allow the use of such devices.

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