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Question Number: 35313

Law 9 - The Ball in and out of Play 1/2/2024

RE: Competitive Adult

Peter Babbage of Hjorring, Debmark asks...

If the ball hits the ref play isstopped and a act with the player ?

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Peter
Not sure what the ask is here?
As you know it is spelt out clearly in the Laws when the ball hits the referee.
The three conditions are
# a team starts a promising attack or
# the ball goes directly into the goal or
# the team in possession of the ball changes

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi Peter
I suspect you are referring to the team taking umbrage to the attacker being knocked over before getting off his shot by the turning referee who swung around to follow play?

The opposition went on to gain ball possession and score at the other end!
This was in a MLS 92nd minute Vancouver versus LA FC following a corner kick and mayhem ensues as the referee accidentally blocks out and runs into a Vancouver player

The referee being STRUCK with the ball is NOT the same as a player running into the referee or for a referee running into a player during play.

Plenty of players try to use the referee as a screen to shake off defenders or gain separation! Occasionally referee is flattened by a charging player in as much as the referee might accidently bump the player.

The LOTG at the MOMENT do not stipulate this form of interference as a MUST stoppage or as a DB incident, like a BALL striking the referee, for the reasons my colleague pointed out in the LOTG . Given the furor, perhaps this might change, but for now UNLESS injury is apparent we play on!

This one is an older example where play USED to continue in todays LOTG this would only be a DB to the keeper! lol

Another older example
Twice the referee & players have a oops!
Note the old school DB in the first instant a referee was stopping for the injury NOT the collision itself. as nowadays it is just to one team!

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