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Question Number: 35687

Law 14 - The Penalty kick 9/9/2024

Petr of Prague, Czech Republic Czech Republic asks...


penalty kick question please.

Law 14:

'Additional time is allowed for a penalty kick to be taken and completed at the
end of each half of the match or extra time. When additional time is allowed,
the penalty kick is completed when, after the kick has been taken, the ball
stops moving, goes out of play, IS PLAYED BY ANY PLAYER(INCLUDING THE KICKER)
other than the defending goalkeeper, or the referee stops play for an offence by
the kicker or the kicker’s team. If a defending team player (including the
goalkeeper) COMMITS AN OFFENCE and the penalty is missed/saved, the penalty

IFAB practical advice:

'However, according to Law 5, the referee ‘allows play to continue when an
offence occurs and the non-offending team will benefit from the advantage’, so
this principle is not only confined to fouls and can be applied to other offences
e.g. at penalty kicks.

Therefore, if the goalkeeper commits an offence, play is not stopped if the kicker
or other attacking team player scores from a rebound.

The referee SHOULD AWARD THE GOAL (retaking the kick would benefit the offending goalkeeper as a retaken kick might be unsuccessful i.e. miss/be saved).


The goalkeeper encroaches in an additional time. The kicker or other attacking team player scores from a rebound.

Will the referee use advantage? According to the rule, he should repeat the penalty, because the next play ends the match. (If the goalkeeper does not break the rules, the next player's touch ends the match.)

It's a bit unclear. :-)

Thank you very much!

Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi Petr,
in additional extended time or KFTPM, no other players except the kicker and keeper are there to be a part of the outcome. Advantage requires time to be extended and on a regulation PK that certainly is no issue. The only choice a referee has when time is expired is to retake, if the kick is saved or misses due to the keeper infringing the LOTG!

In matches of youth or high school where a horn or alarm sounds to end matches, a referee might not be able to use this but a referee might decide that time has not expired at the taking of a last second PK in that there is still a few seconds to restart after the outcome and thus allows play to run on as added time. HOWEVER, he can not do that if he says or it has been made clear that TIME is expired! I have seen goals awarded at the taking of a PK then at the kick off the whistle goes to end a match. Those are NOT extended PKS.

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Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Petr
Law 7 tells us that if a penalty kick has to be taken or retaken, the half is extended until the penalty kick is completed.

So if the penalty kick has been set up as a final kick with no follow up play allowed the only option available is a retake for an infringement by the goalkeeper.
It is likely that will be the instructions at the penalty so allowing a follow up is not covered.
Also note that the Law mentions time being extended for a retake. If I was the referee on a blatant encroachment and the penalty is saved I would be signalling play to stop immediately and a retake.

For what its worth I never ended a game on a penalty kick. I always felt that the timing method I used allowed for an additional few seconds to be added on from the moment the kick is taken so advantage could be played. I usually went with a restart most times a kick off and then blew it up. Its a much simpler approach. Less complicated and the only gripe is the amount of added time which is at the referee’s discretion anyway.

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