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Question Number: 35816

Law 5 - The Referee 11/25/2024

Petr of Prague, Czech Republic Czech Republic asks...

This question is a follow up to question 35812

Thanks, I think I understand now. I hope. :-)

But then in situation 3 I order IDFK for dangerous play. (A5's PIADM -> 'silent' advantage for Team B -> B33's foul -> I'm going back to the original offense -> B5's handball occurs after -> IDFK for Team A)

Now I realize that the referee who inspired me to create situations assessed it exactly like this in a real Champions League match.

Have a good time and thanks again.

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Petr
A5’s playing in a dangerous manner can be a wait and see scenario. The original question scenario 3 had B33 kicking the ball which is not an offence.
A referee could call the PIADM at that moment on A5 yet if A5 handles the ball before the IDFK decision is made a referee can call the direct free kick for handling.

So I can envisage a situation of A5 laying on the ball which the referee is thinking possible PIADM. B33 pokes the ball only which is not a foul and the referee is waiting to see what emerges with A5 then handling the ball. I’m going with a DFK against A5 rather than an IDFK.

Yes if there is a second foul committed by an opponent then a referee can and should go back to the original offence and go with that restart.
There can be times though when a referee has to use the law as written so if A5 was involved in a possible PIADM and B33 is reckless kicking the player at the same time then a referee is entitled to go with a DFK to Team A and a caution for B33.
A referee punishes the more serious offence, in terms of sanction, restart, physical severity and tactical impact, when more than one offence occurs at the same time.
As I said previously PIADM can be one of those extended offences which continues for a short period. It is unlike a kick, a trip, a push etc that happens in an instant.

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