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Question Number: 29904


RE: Rec Adult

Rico Luna of La Habra, CA Orange asks...

My question is regarding Law 15, The Throw In.

During a recreational game ball goes out off on Red. Blue#1 player goes to retrieve the ball and brings it to the touch line and drops it for Blue#2. Blue#2 picks up ball and while Blue#1 is walking away (3-4 ft away from touch line) Blue#2 throws it hitting Blue#1 on the back and thus playing the ball after it hits the ground. I remember Law 15 stating that the 'opponent' needs to be at least 2 yards away from the throw in but mentions nothing about 'team mates'. So I let play continue, I get a 'come on ref' from the other coach as this was done a few feet from him but I saw no infringement.
From talking to the Blue#2 player at half time he stated that when they do that play, it gets called 50% of the time.

This team also did the corner trick play 3 times, one resulting in a double touch which I called.
Thoughts? This throw in play was the first I've seen.

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Rico
Once the throw in is taken properly there is no offence here. In fact the Laws now allow for this to happen even if the ball is thrown off an opponent. To quote the advice
*If a player, while correctly taking a throw-in, intentionally throws the ball at an opponent in order to play the ball again but neither in a careless nor a reckless manner nor using excessive force, the referee must allow play to continue.*
Now this used to be unsporting behaviour and a caution up until 2007 at which time the advice was changed. As it does not happen very often most still think it is misconduct or illegal.
As regards off a team mate there is no offence. The challenge is whether the ball was thrown correctly or not.
Have a look at this
The opponents see nothing wrong nor does the referee and play continues. Now does Red 3 throw the ball correctly. I contend that he does not as the ball does not go behind his head. Focus closely on frame 9,10,11 and you will note that the ball does not go behind just as far as the top of his head. As the opponents had no issue and it looked like a correct throw in the referee just sees it as trifling with play continuing.
On the trick corner kick it can only be a double touch infringement if the ball is played twice by the same player when the first kick by a team mate does not leave the arc. If the ball has left the arc after the first subtle kick by a team mate and the second player comes to dribble the ball away it is either play on or a retake. For it to be a double touch by the 2nd player he would have to play the ball at the first touch from inside the arc and then touch it again. Taking a corner from outside the arc is a retake.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi Rico,
Perfectly legal as long as the throw in is performed correctly to rebound a ball off a teammate accidently or on purpose. So to with an opponent just not in a manner as to cause injury or say against the head or crotch. Not sure why 50% of referees are saying no to the tactic, you sure the throw in is being performed correctly? Perhaps put a word into the league and have them address this if indeed it is occurring. Dissenting with the match referee usually just gets things moving towards card showing territory!

The trick corner just remember the ball must be placed WITHIN the arc to start and it must be discernibly seen to be kicked and moved in the opinion of the referee after the ball is placed there. While the ball must be placed inside the corner arc and is in play when it is kicked and moved , the ball does not need to leave the corner arc to be in play if it is obvious to you it was kicked into play within the arc itself. The difficulty in a short distance kick is discerning if it was being repositioned or actually kicked into play. One can use ANY part of the foot to knock a ball and move it but you can not leave a foot on the ball and roll it to a stop or just step on it claiming that was a reasonable kick to move the ball in any direction .

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