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Question Number: 29910

Law 17 - Corner Kick 11/10/2015

RE: Rec Adult

Rico Luna of La Habra, CA Orange asks...

This question is a follow up to question 29904

I forgot to mention that the throw in was executed correctly that's why I let the play continue.
I probably would have called a bad throw in on Evra though lol.

The trick corner kick was an obvious double touch by the person executing the kick so that's why I called a double touch.

Thanks to both of you for answering my question!

Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi Rico,
we are always happy to offer some advice to those that request it! As mentioned find the correct people in your association ot contact and relay the correct info so those 50% referees get some revised training on throw ins

Out of curiosity? The double touch was it performed by the initial player pretending to take the kick? Did he place the ball INSIDE the arc but actually kicked the ball twice by accident in pretending to leave it for his team mate? Or was the ball never kicked into play at all and the 2nd team mate attempting to dribble it away creates the 2nd touch? Also was there verbal deception involved by say, the coach 'Hey Charlie let Frank take it? With the exception of a drop ball, any restart prohibits the same player from playing the ball a 2nd consecutive time unless it hits another player (opponent or team mate)

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Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Rico
Always happy to assist. I contend that the principle behind the delivery from behind the head requirement is to move players away from the TI rather than having players crowd the ball such as in the drop situation. Many incorrectly taken throws happen because the receiver is too close therefore the throwing motion is compromised a la Evra or the ball is dropped. Had Evra delivered the ball correctly I don't think he could as easily have delivered the ball from behind his head. The initial trajectory has to be somewhat up on the correct throw and much more difficult to get it to drop that close to a team mate or at his feet. It is possible yet it requires skill
Like Referee Dawson Im interested in the double touch infringement and how that came about. Many times the first kick by Player A moves the ball out of the arc. When Player B comes to play the ball which is now at rest outside the arc a double touch cannot happen here simply because the ball has to inside the arc to be taken correctly on Player Bs first touch.
Now if Player As touch has not put the ball in play and the ball has remained inside the arc then Player B will be called for a double touch for dribbling the ball away from inside the arc should the referee deem that the ball was not in play due to it not being kicked and move etc.

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