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Question Number: 13515

Character, Attitude and Control 8/18/2006

RE: very competitive Under 16

Sam of Louisville, Kentucky USA asks...

This question is a follow up to question 13200

I am posing a question regarding your comments about Blatter criticizing the ref of the Portugal - Holland match.

First off, I have to say, the referees did indeed ruin the world cup for the most part, by making ridiculous and quick decisions that took the outcome of the match out of the players hands. Larrionda absolutely made a hash of the US-Italy match and there were several others that were just unbelieveable. I really thought after the officiating debacle in 2002 there would be significant improvement, but the quality of referees has just gotten progressively worse.

In the Midwest Region 2 league playoffs prior to WC, the refs were warning everyone they were going to call things by 'world cup rules'. Translated, this means theyre going to make their presence felt and throw some players out and play a part in how the matches are decided. I never have seen so many yellows/reds in state cup and regional playoffs for, often times, very weak challenges or minimal dissention.

I know reffing is a thankless job, Ive reffed quite a bit in my life and have coached competitive and high school soccer over 15 years.

But quite honestly, if you are an incompetent ref, or if you have something to prove to everyone, you do more harm than good. The main difference I see is that the younger refs these days are much better at controlling players (without cards) than the boomer generation refs who didnt grow up playing the game. They are also usually better at interpreting and allowing advantage.

My question is, do you really think the referees didn't play more than their role should have been at WC 2006? What is the point of 'cracking down' on the players as weve seen in state and regional playoffs this year? It just creates more frustration and takes away from the game.



Answer provided by Referee Chuck Fleischer

Sam, you have just demonstrated why FIFA have seen it necessary to clamp down on foul play. All players coaches and commentators were warned that foul play would not be tolerated in future competition. I got the warning around the first of March, didn't you get yours?

Those teams that understood foul play would not be tolerated were successful, those that continued in their old ways were eliminated, along with their coaches I might add.

The USA coach is now in the MLS where the owners and coaches CONTROL how the referees manage matches. He will do well there.

You are incorrect in your judgement of what the referees did during the World Cup finals last June and July. You say they ruined the competition, correct. I say they enforced the Laws of the Game by refusing to allow the players their foul play. Who trained the players to use foul play? Think long and hard on that one sir -- yeah, coaches and referees who tolerated foul play.

The whole point is Football has become something other than a game, it must be won at any cost including cheating. That is not the point of a game. Football was played so that school boys could have an outlet for their youthful exuberance, so that they might learn a healthy respect for the Law and to learn how to act as a team. Now players are taught to fall down at the slightest touch, to do anything necessary to win the ball and when the skill of an opponent is better to prevent his skill from being demonstrated by any means possible. If you have a problem with that, just listen to the commentators lambaste a referee for preventing foul play, they actually believe a defender MUST use a foul to stop an attack.

Now coach Sam, consider yourself lucky you don't ever get a competent referee on your matches because you would not last the full match and your players would have difficulty with him, too.

The Referee is bound by Law 5 to enforce the Laws of the Game. If you have a problem with that then you are in the wrong line of work. And, yeah I really think that...


Read other questions answered by Referee Chuck Fleischer

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Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

Well Coach, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. For me, I was happy to see referees punishing behavior of professionals for things we wouldn't allow 12 year olds to do. It was also nice seeing virtually no one with a Mr. T starter kit of jewelry around his neck. On PKs it was nice to NOT see 10 players inside the penalty area before the kick was taken. In short, the referees were punishing foul play as they were told to do by FIFA and then after all the idiotic rantings in the press and by commentators with apparently no knowledge of the Laws Of The Game, Mr. Blatter has the temerity to criticize the best referees in the world for doing exactly what they were asked to do; i.e. punish foul play. The only qualm I have is the amount of dives players got away with but I don't blame the referees for that. Coaches have been teaching and training their players to cheat for so long, it is now an art form and difficult to detect. Regrettably, I see players as young as 11 taking dives on our local soccer fields. In actuality, that may be a good thing because we CAN detect them and when they get punished with a caution they stop their behavior. Are there incompetent referees out there? Sure there are. Same with coaches. However, none were working any World Cup games I saw. They didn't take the game out of the players hands, they simply took it out of the hands of players that insisted on cheating. I'm one of those Boomers you complain about yet I use cards judiciously as do my fellow adult referees. We all would rather control the game with short comments but use our cards when warranted. Perhaps what you see in younger referees is simply a fear of going to their cards and what you call control is merely the game being called as YOU like it.

Read other questions answered by Referee Keith Contarino

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi Sam,
after rereading all our comments I thought it prudent to point out I appreciate you taking the time and effort to comment even if it appears we are busting your chops! You came to a referee site on the laws of the game and asked a question, pointed out your feelings and then wanted a response. As in all volunteers who give freely of their time and effort I thank you for doing so!

I think FIFA is top heavy in corruption as power and money generally conflict with self interest and Blatter's comment's are toady at best.

My opinion of the Portugal - Holland match was both teams should be ashamed of themselves. The referee in my opinion tried TOO hard to keep the players on the FOP, quite honestly, he was TOO lenient! Many players did not DESERVE to be on the FOP and their despicable actions were evident for all to see. My arm chair perspective, had two red cards and two additional yellows well before half time and another three red cards and three or four yellows in the second half . If the red cards had come out earlier PERHAPS things MIGHT have calmed down. Who is to say now, after the fact?

I always try to respect a divergent view point even if I disagree with its content. I also coach and manage and participate in leagues in administrative or directorship duties. The only comments I have some degree of compassion for is referees who have never played do indeed go through a wild learning curve and can frustrate those who must endure their lack of experience. What I NEED to see from any referee is effort and at least an attempt to consider the safety of my players. No player that I coach will disrespect a referee even if the referee is Hitler incarnated or a Circus clown. We will always pass along comments on what we saw, good or bad, to league officials.

The WC officials did an excellent job and while we can debate the odd decision that could be questionable, from their angle, their perspective, their match , our opinion means absolutely zero!

"But quite honestly, if you are an incompetent ref, or if you have something to prove to everyone, you do more harm than good."
Now substitute the words, human being , coach, player, manager, parent, fan for the word ref!

My opinion of your interpretation of the officiating is not one I need to elaborate on, suffice to say the fact you can state an opinion even one that I adamantly disagree in part with is what free will and choice allow for. Although I think it is commendable you have the conviction of your beliefs and your entitled to them even as my opinion is polar opposite to MOST of what you spout.

Attitude, not only in soccer, but within the context of the world in general, is one of deplorable conduct justified by the NEEDS of the participants.

In my personal opinion, I truly believe you have a misguided understanding of the political, financial and national fervour that reverberates at the level of soccer we call the World Cup.
The PATHETIC display of diving by the players cheating was the main blight on the game, solely created to take advantage of what the players were told the referees would be doing.

Your blanket statement that Larronda detracted from the the outcome of Italy versus USA, in my opinion, implies that you were watching through red, white and blue glass eyes

I applauded the effort of many of the USA players, it was an exciting match and they worked hard to secure the draw. A win denied due to a lack of finishing, poor defending, two very poorly executed tackles and a bit of bad timing.

I likely would have cautioned a USA defender earlier for persistent infringement , as well as granted Italy a PK in the later stages based on what I saw but my arm chair perspective not withstanding
the red card for the BRUTAL Italian elbow was 100% spot on,
the red card for the IDIOTIC challenge by the USA midfielder was 100% spot on. As a coach is that how you teach tackling, both feet jump in at an opponent where you land on your ass in the attacking third , 10 feet from the referee?

The ONLY call that was the least bit suspect was the second yellow thus red card to the USA defender but WHY are they tackling in such a manner when almost every other tackle similar was cautioned? Do you think once a player is cautioned to be cautioned again the nature of the cautioned foul must be of greater heinousness than another?

A referee with integrity sees what he sees.

Larrionda received several additional HIGH profile matches. OBVIOUSLY, those appointing him disagree with your assessment.

Soccer is a WORLD WIDE game where in THEORY any group of kids could play regardless of the language they speak. There is this wide eyed deer look to those who believe we as referees must talk to the players to manage them as if they were a herd of startled deer and not punish them for being or doing what comes naturally. Do you think the players were somehow confused by the expectations and the preparations that go into the WC?

In the GAME of soccer an incompetent referee is a match condition just like rainy blustery wind swept day when you might wish it was sunny but you adapt to the conditions. It is an easy to cast blanket statements on good or bad officials. A quality referee has an understanding of the bendability of the laws and the application on common sense but quite honestly there is no real separate law 18, it is in fact an understanding of what the other 17 are about which separates the good referee from the rest.

I have absolutely no idea of what cracking down means in your neck of the woods. If you mean abiding by the laws of the game then we can agree to disagree as THAT is what MUST occur. There is no way to judge events I have not seen to know if the actions taken reflected well or or unwell on a match! Since we are obviously at odds with the WC matches you can guess the rest!
If a referee is neutral , integral by nature, ego driven to do well, blessed with backbone, kind in heart as an arbitrator of the game I will take my chances that things will work out!

I suggest that you monitor and record all referee actions in every match and submit your PERSPECTIVE .
PERSPECTIVE is reflective of one's belief, faith, experience and judgement! It could be right, it could be wrong, but it could have value, if it is as you say, it is quite honestly intended!

It is always possible to find fault but we must work to FIX problems rather than point fingers. If you see/percieve a problem ,you bring the ideas or observations to them complete with witnesses, supportive documentation , video evidence etc... to those who are responsible for the monitoring, evaluation and training. You make reference to how thankless the job is, try thanking those who do it a bit more often! Agree to disagree in a non confrontational or irritated manner. Work on being a mentor to the young referees you so approve of. Accept a leading role in the local association and work WITH those who are trying to figure out why the game is not as fun as it could be.


If you think you can do better, then do so!


Read other questions answered by Referee Richard Dawson

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Answer provided by Referee Ben Mueller

While there is not a whole lot more to say, I will throw in a few cents worse. I simply do not agree. All the referees that I observed were in almost perfect position for each of the cards. What you need to understand is that all the referees were obeying specific instructions given to them. They had a as they were told or catcch the next plane home. So they did what they were told. Foul play was not tolerated, dissent was cautioned as it should be by the Laws of the Game. Problem is that 99.9% of people have no clue and do not understand the laws so they go with popular opinion. The US ruined that game for themselves by even considering playing a little dirty when they had 75% of the game dominated and 11 on 10. These referees are the very tip of the pyramid when it comes to quality and no one has a right to say they ruined the world cup.

Read other questions answered by Referee Ben Mueller

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Answer provided by Referee MrRef

Well my colleagues have spoken, they seem intent on saying you are absolutely full of it. So be it and as Ref Dawson says, you are entitled to your opinion, enjoy it. Too bad you, with all your experience, have come to a wrong conclusion.

Perhaps you should consider becoming part of the solution rather than just another loose cannon begging to be heard.

There are referee classes all over the country, pick one, get 40 or more years experience as referee and we'll run lines for you. You will probably disagree with me and my colleagues, that is your right. You may want to write back and dissent us, that is your right. Won't do any good, we have a right to our opinions as well and you did ask, didn't you?

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