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Questions & Answers for "League Specific"

1 - 10 of 1070


League Specific 7/16/2024

Hussain Jan Gramkani of Muscat, Oman asks...

A player #9 was cautioned in a match and the team won. In second match same player #9 was cautioned, match ended resulting 1-1. In penalty shootout (after taking 6 penalty kicks each team) crowd entered in field. Match was replayed in full the next d...

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League Specific 7/9/2024

Adam Bragg of Middlesbrough, United Kingdom United Kingdom asks...

The new 'dribble-in' rule for 2024/25 to replace throw-ins.

Can a player 'dribble-in' and score directly from the 'dribble-in', IE, if no one else touches the ball?

In recent friendlies, Refs and coaches all seem confused.

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League Specific 10/23/2023

John Schruefer of Baltimore, MD USS asks...

In an U11 game, no headballs allowed. A ball incidentally hits a player’s. You have to drop the ball. Which team gets the drop? ...

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League Specific 3/4/2023

Peter Weightman of Liverpool, Merseyside England asks...

In English Premier League, if a player gets 10 yellow cards it’s a 2 match ban. If in the same game as he gets his 10th card he gets a second yellow (leading to a red card), how many games is he banned for?...

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League Specific 2/25/2023

Andrew McAllister of North Bend, Washington United States asks...

In the first half of a U10 game, 2 girls from each team were going shoulder-to-shoulder for the ball. After the girl from the attacking team gets the ball, she taps the ball away, turns, and pushes the defending girl to the ground with both hands. Th...

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League Specific 2/10/2023

DAVID LOVETT of ROYAL PALM BEACH, FL United States asks...

I have tried to find an answer to this but to no avail so I am coming to the experts. Here it is. In a 9U game where "deliberate" heading is not allowed, can a goal be scored by an non-deliberate header. Here is the situation. Attacking p...

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League Specific 12/5/2022

Barry Stewart of Chilliwack, BC Canada asks...

I've heard the World Cup refs have been advised to allow some extra degree of physicality, but I'm hoping we are advised "Don't try this at home," when we head back to our recreational and league fixtures.

A few examples:

One ...

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League Specific 10/17/2022

Richard evans of Redditch, Eorcs Uk asks...

The league is trialling the no heading rule for the U12.

On Saturday the attacking team won a corner and from the resulting corner a defender jumped and headed the ball which flew into the net.

The rule is that deliberate headin...

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League Specific 5/1/2022

Leonard Jenkins of Middle Island, NY United States asks...

A corner kick is awarded. A player from the attacking team places the ball within the corner arc with his hands and then seems to reposition the ball with his foot moving it a negligible amount (but it is not in the same spot it was prior to the tou...

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League Specific 4/19/2022

mary Ramirez-de-Arellano of Damascus, MD United States asks...

What is the proper restart when the ball hits the head of a player, 10 or younger, both 1)when the contact is inadvertent and 2)
when the player deliberately heads the ball?

Thank you....

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