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Question Number: 18050

Law 5 - The Referee 12/3/2007

RE: High School High School

Steve of Vero Beach, Florida USA asks...

This question is a follow up to question 18040

Florida has also adopted the 3 whistles or Double Dual system this year (The send off for running up the score we did not adopt). Most of the referees in our association are FIFA referees, so this has been a real change. So far, we have not had any real issues with the change, but the season is young. Most of us treat the Side-line Ref position as we would an AR assignment and our FIFA experience helps in the understanding of our various roles. That being said, there are still some real deficiencies with the system and we would like to return to the Diagonal System of Control. Do you know of any places where this trend has been reversed? If so, how did they achieve such a noble feat?

Answer provided by Referee Chuck Fleischer

The best way to convince the unwashed masses anything but the diagonal system of control best is to prove it! That means demonstration someplace it counts. Demonstrations are done by referees and assistant referees who, when having a bad day, fall to near unsurpassed excellence. Those referees are hard to find in the high school game. They are hard to find at any level but hardest at the high school level.

So knowing it's a difficult thing to find skilled enough referees and then finding a place to stage a demonstration one has his work cut out for him. We start by refusing to do things the way "they" want. Unions call this a strike. I look at it as withholding my services because giving them compromises my standards.

Perhaps this will better explain, integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching. Based on the referee's feelings about something, his integrity, when he is forced to use a system of control he is not in agreement with he compromises his integrity. As for me integrity is everything and volunteering [for the compensation we get we are volunteers] service in a manner I do not agree with just isn't any fun.

In my referee high school association we did exactly that, we threatened to withhold service. We also refused to remain in membership with all other sports officials in the area. We struck out on our own knowing the only qualified referees for soccer just happened to be us. It became the regional administrations choice to referee using the diagonal system of control or not have any season of play. They were in a most difficult position and found agreement with our position was to their benefit. Then it was our turn to bend a bit...

We accepted payment for the "two man system" as proper for what we knew to be better and only used the most skilled referees as referee on varsity matches. In a word, we forced them to see the difference and held in abeyance training of replacement referees who were near qualified for varsity assignments. In six months it was found the diagonal system of control was indeed a better thing. That was before the addition of more schools and budget cuts. Now many schools want just 2 men because it is cheaper. I don't referee the high school game any more because I abhor the 2 man system and will not be assigned that way.

You may feel free to do an Internet search for "For The Integrity of Soccer" and read about the demise of the two man system in NCAA for another method of getting folks attention.


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Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

Let me get this straight. You've gone from the despicable two referee system and added an AR that also has a whistle? Since they're paying 3 referees, why not use the proper 3 man system used everywhere else? Is there no end to the mucking up high school associations will do? I'm waiting for a line to be added to the field about 32 yards out and any shot making it into the net from there will count as 2 goals instead of one.

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Answer provided by Referee Gary Voshol

Oakland County, Michigan, switched back from 3-whistle to traditional DSC with 2 AR's. However I don't do HS games, so I wouldn't know who to contact in regards to how this came about. It must come through the school AD's at the behest of their coaches - they, after all, are the ones who control rule adaptations, not the referees. Perhaps there could be a little leverage if a number of referees made known that they do not care for the system, and would decline HS games if it continues.

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