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Question Number: 20481

Law 16 - Goal Kick 11/9/2008

RE: U-9 Girls Club Team Under 9

Nicholas J Van Ness of Waldwick, NJ United States asks...

I am new to coaching soccer and would like a clarification on the positioning of the players on a Goal Kick. It is my understanding that the kicking team may have players inside the 18' during a goal kick and the opposing team must all be outside the penalty area. Is this correct? I know that neither team can touch the ball until it leaves the penalty area. I have been told at least 3 times this year by different referees that all players must be outside of the penalty area. Thanks, Nick

Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

At the taking of a goal kick ALL the opponents must be outside the penalty area. All of the players on the kicking team may be in the penalty area if they want. You are also correct that the ball may not be touched until it has left the penalty area. If it is, the goal kick must be retaken as the ball was never put into play. You are coaching a very young age group. the referees you get at this age are usually very inexperienced and sometimes make mistakes. While you should not argue with the referee if this happens again, please contact the referee assignor so the referee may have this mistake corrected. You might also, after the game has ended or at the half, politely tell the referee that Law 16 clearly states only OPPONENTS must stay out of the penalty area.

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Answer provided by Referee Gene Nagy

Nick, I was reading your letter and it says that referees have told you that all players must be outside the penalty area. Now that is really interesting. If everybody has to be outside, who actually takes the kick? There is nobody inside the penalty area to do it!
But let's carry this a bit further, what if the goal kick is taken by a full back - do these referees make the goalie leave the penalty area? And if they don't, why would they make ane exception for that player?
Of course the answer is that all opponents have to be outside the penalty area and they have to remain there until the ball actually leaves the penalty area. In other words, they cannot enter as soon as the ball is kicked. In fact the ball is not in play until it goes beyond the penalty area.
But at U-9 I would not play on a full sized field anyway. They should be playing a small sided game like six-a-side on a smaller field.

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