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Question Number: 21936

Law 16 - Goal Kick 9/11/2009

RE: Rec Under 12

Shane Schilling of Citrus Heights, California USA asks...

Atfter a missed shot, the goalie brought the ball out for a goal kick to the left side corner of the goal box and placed it in the corner. Quickly realizing that there was an advantage on the other side of the field, she picked the ball up and ran to the right corner, placed the ball down and was about to kick it when the referee stopped her stating that she had to kick the ball from the spot she originally placed it. Since play does not start until the ball is kicked, why was her repositioning of the ball disallowed?

Answer provided by Referee Michelle Maloney

It's called delaying the restart of play, and she's fortunate the referee didn't caution her for that. The wise referee will warn them first, and only caution on a subsequent repetition.

Once a ball is placed for a kick, it shouldn't be moved around other than a minor move of inches. Running from one side of the goal area to the other takes time, and it is considered as delaying the restart.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

I think USSF policy states that once it is placed to move it is simply delaying the restart. Such a delay action could be cautionable although at this age a simple, Hey leave it right where it is! Lets get on with it! should solve this! A passing word of warning/explanation if time permits to educate youth is certainly within a referees ability and responsibility to educate . To immediately resort to showing a card at this level is kind of using a giant sledge hammer to drive in a thumb tack.

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Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

USSF policy is that once the ball is placed on the ground for a goal kick there is no valid reason to move the ball and doing so is delaying the restart of play which is a cautionable offense.

At this age group, as soon as the player picked up the ball to move it, the referee should have simply told her not to and take the kick from where she put it down.

Also, the idea that moving the ball from one side of the goal area to the other can create an advantage is just silly. The opponents will see the ball being moved and move accordingly.

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