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Question Number: 22707

Law 16 - Goal Kick 1/6/2010

RE: Under 14

John of falkirk, Scotland asks...

This question is a follow up to question 22219

Can you clarify some of the answers regarding kicking the ball into your own net from a goal kick, as the in-play/out-of-play seemed irrelevant to me.

E.g., I thought if

a) a Goal Kick and the ball went into the net without leaving the penalty area -> retake goal kick;

b) a Goal Kick and the ball went into the net having left the penalty area (i.e. due to wind) -> corner kick.

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi John
The ball has to leave the penalty area to be in play on all restarts including a goal kick. In the case where the ball is kicked into the goal directly from a goal kick without leaving the penalty area it is a retake.
Law 16 states that a goal can only be scored against the opposing team directly from a goal kick. So in the case where the ball from a goal kick has left the penalty area and is blown back into the goal the restart is a corner kick. The reason for this is that the ball is in play when it leaves the PA but a team can only score against its opponents. So when it crosses the goal line it is out of play and the last player to touch the ball was a defender so it is a corner kick restart.

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Answer provided by Referee Gary Voshol

You are correct in both your statements (a) and (b). The reason why (a) is correct is because the ball was never in play. Thus it has to be what we call a 'retake'. But actually it is the 'taking' of the goal kick because the original kick didn't count as a restart if the ball didn't go into play.

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Answer provided by Referee Dennis Wickham

The ball in play/ ball not in play is the distinction that makes your answers correct.

In both situations, the ball left the field of play, but in only the latter was the ball in play. A ball in play crossed the goal line, last touched by an attacking player. without a goal being scored (because it went directly into the kicking team's goal on a goal kick).

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Answer provided by Referee Jason Wright

Hi John,
Both your statements are correct, and the ball in/out of play factor is the critical issue. In the first case, the ball never went in play, then he suddenly found itself off the field. As it never enters play, it's a retake. It would also be a retake if the ball crossed the goal line beside the goal, directly from the penalty area having not entered the field of play.

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Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

a. is correct
b. may be correct. If the goal kick left the penalty area and didn't touch any other player and then is driven into the net by the wind (or by the referee for that matter) the restart is a corner kick. If it touches another player it's a goal.

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Answer provided by Referee Steve Montanino

It seems to me that you have a very good understanding of the law in regards to this situation.

Just remember from a practical stand point, if you think the wind is blowing hard enough to do this, be ready for it to happen... but you might even consider stopping the game until the wind dies down, or abandoning the match and going home until the winds are a little more reasonable.

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