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Question Number: 32136

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct 1/2/2018

RE: Intermediate Under 14

Phil of Tarzana, CA United States asks...

This question is a follow up to question 32126

Happy New Year & a belated Happy Holidays!

I've ref'd younger ages for AYSO for about 10 years (I don't think that I'll ever be center reffing older ages, as my speed & endurance declines with age-:)) All during that time, I've never had to give out a card. I found that warning players or telling coaches was enough.

One time I turned to see to opposing players wrestling. My AR said that one kid grabbed the other because the latter one had been calling him names & swearing at him. I told both coaches to pull those players & that they weren't allowed to play the rest of the day. They were allowed to put in a substitute.

One reason for not issuing red cards to young players is that it means that other kids don't get to play. It's hard for a 9, 10, or even an 11 year old to feel punished for something that a teammate did.

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Phil
Happy New Year.
Your point is noted and one that can work at younger age groups for certain behaviours. However it is not a one size fits all solution and as players get older with the competition increasing they need to learn that their actions have consequences for the team not just themselves.
Yes I have asked coaches to take players off before doing something that merited a second caution (after failing to pay heed to the first caution) yet if I have to dismiss a player then the team will play short. The player needs to understand that their action will be sanctioned and that they may have to account for their poor behaviour in the team playing short.
In addition by not sending off the player he does not have the additional sanction of not playing the next game when the team mate substitute gets to play in his stead. Coming to the game and not getting to play can have positive influences on the player and his future behaviour. If all that happens is that he gets substituted with just loss of game time then that can happen anyway if the coach is rotating players as he should. I am also mindful that in another game with a different referee that a red card offence gets fully sanctioned with a suspension which has consequences for that team and the next game in the competition compared to the 'substituted' player.
Now the Law makers have recognised the need for a 'sin bin' sanction for certain offences. What they are clear about though is that straight red card offences should not be sanctioned with a temporary dismissal. Two systems have been proposed.
System A allows for a second sin bin sanctioned player to be replaced by a substitute at the end of the second sin bin period rather than the red card.
In the case of System B the following offences relating to ‘inappropriate’ behaviour can be sanctioned with a temporary dismissal
# Simulation
# Deliberately delaying the opposing team’s restart of the match
# Dissent or verbal comments or gestures
# Stopping a promising attack by holding, pulling, pushing or handball
# Kicker illegally feinting at a penalty kick
In the case of violent conduct or serious foul play my advice is to take the ultimate sanction of a dismissal.

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Answer provided by Referee Gary Voshol

I've thought out a scenario of playing 'Let's make a deal' with the coach in a small-sided youth red game.

'Hey coach, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is you sub out #6 and don't put him back in. The hard way is that he gets a red card, you play short the rest of the game, and he can't play in the next game. Either way, he's done for today. What will it be?'

I never had cause to try it.

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