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Question Number: 32740

Law 7 - The Duration of the Match 9/24/2018

RE: Rec Under 10

Tim Fullmer of Horseheads, New York United States asks...

This question is a follow up to question 22946

During our game the opposing goalie came out of the penalty box with ball in hand. Rightfully the ref called a handball just outside the box. Little to our knowing there was just a few seconds left on the clock. As soon as our player kicked it towards the goal the goalie slightly deflected the shot and the whistle was blown for half time. The ball continued off the goalie and into the back of the net. The goal was waived off. Is this the correct interpretation?

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Tim
Technically correct although it reads like a compromise decision. The referee had to call the deliberate handling probably caused by a judgement error by the goalkeeper.
Now we know timing in soccer excluding High School games is not that precise to the point where a few seconds cannot be found or perhaps lost.
The referee here could have found a second or two and allowed the goal. Now the only person who knew the exact timing was the referee and the decision therefore is an integrity decision. Did it suit to allow the kick yet stop the game with the ball in flight.

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Answer provided by Referee Gary Voshol

It's Under 10. Sorry to say, but you usually don't get the most experienced referees on your games. The ref made the correct call. And probably what happened is just as the kick was taking place, his watch buzzed for time. So he blew the whistle. Maybe he's not yet accustomed to adding time for time lost - there most likely was a moment or two. Once the whistle was sounded, that's it - anything that happened afterwards can't be part of the game.

Just as your players learn by experience, so do referees if they are allowed the time to do it.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

HI Tim,
If the whistle sounded to end the match BEFORE the ball had completely crossed the goal line under the crossbar & between the posts the goal is NOT counted as the match ENDED before the goal .

Hmmm sounds like the referee may have either not liked the situation, was a tad waffling on the decisions or had a very very strict interpretation of the LOTG. .

The first being the foul itself, was it necessary to make the call? Remember releasing the ball into play is not the same degree of unfairness as sliding out taking away a scoring opportunity. When you do award this DGK against the keeper the opposition get an essentially free crack at goal for zero effort.
Once the free kick was given he was awfully quick to end the match?
Thus my thinking he may have regretted his first decision?

WE do award a DFK for deliberate handling by keeper when the ball itself is completely outside the PA. but when a keeper has the ball in his possession and marginally moves outside the PA with the ball during his release we COULD choose to see this as a trifling or possibly doubtful foul especially at youth or if field conditions were bright sunlight with faded lines or poor conditions.

If flagrant in carrying it outside by along way or after being warned earlier or if he was challenging and came outside to deliberately handle it could be DOGSO given we do forgive errors of judgement or mistakes per say but we are conscious that something's just do not matter. Remember the free kick occurs a fraction of an inch just outside the PA, Not on the PA line, the ball MUST be completely outside right by the edge of the 5 inch paint! I also point out time is rarely to the microsecond if a ball is on its way towards the goal to wait to see if it ends up on the net given you are allowing the shot to occur makes greater sense. Technically only on a PK do we actually EXTEND time in a match to allow the kick. The referee could end the match before any restart if time is just expiring. We do not HAVE to allow the restart. MY feeling is IF we do allow a restart we allow a bit of playtime if it has scoring potential whereas something like a goal kick we can blow as the ball is headed down field


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