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Question Number: 32834

Law 15 - The Throw In 10/24/2018

RE: Adult

Garth Turner of Belfast, United Kingdom asks...

This question is a follow up to question 32828

Im sorry folks I think you are getting a bit mixed up with the field of play boundaries. Once a foot has passed the sideline it is classed as on the FOP even if the players heels are still touching the sideline. As law 15 states, your feet must be behind the sideline or touching it, not over the sideline in the FOP. This is the correct way to take a throw in.

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Garth
With all respect the panel is articulating the Law as set out and taught throughout the soccer world. There is no mix up and nowhere in Law 15 does it state that the part of the foot must not be over the line. It states that ** have part of each foot on the touchline or on the ground outside the touchline** Heels on the line meets part of the foot on the touchline
Here are slides which are delivered by USSF in the US
This has the approval of IFAB and it conveys the position that we have been stating. The same position is conveyed by the FA in the UK and elsewhere
Back in 2006 which was the last time that FIFA published it Questions and Answers attachment to the Laws of the Game booklet the following was stated in Law 15 and I quote
** A player takes a throw-in with part of each foot on or behind the touch line or with part of his feet inside the line and his heels on the touch line. Is this permitted?
Yes, provided that part of each foot is on or behind the touch line and on the ground. **
It cannot be much clearer than that and Law 15 has not changed one jot since 2006. Nor has the principle set out in that official FIFA document.
That is the formal position on Law 15. If one does not agree with it so be it yet that is what is being taught to every single referee in the soccer world through multiple channels.
If you are unsatisfied with that then please email the Law making body IFAB
Mr David Elleray and Co in IFAB will confirm our position on the subject

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Answer provided by Referee Jason Wright

Law 15 does not state that the player must be off the FOP when taking the throw.
While I would advocate being wary of non-football/law oriented sites , even the link you posted states ' Both feet must be behind or on the sideline, and touching the ground'
On OR behind. That means they can be on and NOT behind. That does not state they cannot be on the field AND on the line.
At a later point it does state that the feet can't cross the line - If they're saying the toes cannot cross the field, that's incorrect. They reference a FIFA presentation for this. - this states as per the earlier comment, 'on or behind the line'. A foot mostly on the field but heel on the line means the foot is ON the line. It doesn't state 'wholly on or behind', simply 'on or behind'.

Nowhere does Law 15 state that the feet must be off the field. As a referee, it certainly is crucial that this is your main source of law information.

I'm not sure where you're getting your information from but it most certainly is not supported in the LOTG.

And I can assure you there is absolutely no mixup with the FOP boundaries.

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Answer provided by Referee Peter Grove

Hi Garth,

We have now received an official email from the IFAB's Law Enquiries email address. Please see below.

''On 26/10/2018, 13:56 Law Enquiries wrote:

Dear Peter

Yes it is as Law only requires part of each foot to be on or behind the line

Best wishes

David Elleray
Technical Director of The IFAB

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 8:44 AM, "Peter Grove" wrote:

Assuming all the other provisions of Law 15 are met, if a player takes a throw-in with nearly all of his feet inside the touch line and only his heels in contact with the line, is this a legal throw-in?

Please let me know, thanks.''

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Answer provided by Referee MrRef

HI Garth,
I can only reiterate what you have been told the site you quote was 100% NOT correct ( In fact if you return there you will see the wording is now changed to dispel this myth .

I can not speak to the author of that video as I do not know them but there are two myths (1st) A player can indeed stand on the touchline to do a throw in & if part of his foot is inside toes over it is perfectly legal throw as long as some part of the foot remain on the ground in contact with the touchline or outside of it .

The issue here as Jim Allen tried to point out was you are talking two entirely different structures. Law 15 simply explains the mechanics of a throw in and states that it must occur at the exit point it left the FOP.

You are FORGETTING that if the thrower was at ALL on the 5 inch Touch line but not over it only it GIVEN that it does encompass the FOP he would ALREADY be inside the FOP according to how LAW 1 establishes the boundary lines. The thing is the foot position is not the big factor, the ball location is and as you are aware if ANY portion of that ball crosses into that 5 inch plane that ball is IN Play . IF it swerved to go out after, i.e. wind or bad trajectory, it would be the other teams throw in as the ball came in & then exited .

T he video should be taken down reworded and reworked to eliminate these discrepancies and false narratives. The ball does not have to come ALL The way completely INSIDE the FOP on a throw in to be live it need only break that 5 inch plane or as we suggested thinking the boundary lines to be a 5 inch wall of water extending straight up the ball gets the least bit wet!

There is also the matter of spin on the ball there is nothing against spinning the ball the LOTG do not say equal force nor do they say how far or how hard it must occur. This is a MYTH that there is no spin on the ball is allowed on a throw in. It simply cannot be thrown like a hand grenade as does a keeper. It says both hands & behind over the head.

Also it talks about accidently hitting the opponent when you can in fact deliberately throw the ball in off an opponent provided it is not done in a careless, reckless or excessive way. This is so a thrower can immediately play the ball as it then has touched another player.

I could go on but I am tired. You asked us a reasonable question. WE gave you 100% correct information. This is NOT a debate site sir , your resource site & concept is flawed . It is up to you to alter your ways not for us to convince you that you are simply wrong! You asked, we told you the correct LOTG. The rest is up to you!

From our pitch to your pitch in the spirit of fair play

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