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Question Number: 34245

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct 6/13/2021

RE: Rec Adult

Mario Chavez of Columbus , Nebraska United States asks...

If a goalie yells out ole in celebration with his team during a game is he carded and given a PK kick for the other team. Know where in any rules have I seen that a goalie can’t chant on the field in positive manner!

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Mario
Thanks for the question
The easy part is that as a goal has been scored with play stopped the restart is still a kick off. A penalty kick cannot be awarded for misconduct committed after play has been stopped for a legally scored goal. A player can still be carded yet the restart does not change which in this case is a kick off. Case in point would be a scorer removing his jersey in a goal celebration. It is a caution for that player yet the restart is still a kick off.
As to a sanction in goal celebration the Laws of the Game tells us that
** A player must be cautioned, even if the goal is disallowed, for:
# climbing onto a perimeter fence and/or approaching the spectators in a manner which causes safety and/or security issues
# acting in a provocative, derisory or inflammatory way
# covering the head or face with a mask or other similar item
# removing the shirt or covering the head with the shirt**

A referee can decide that if a player’s words and actions meet the second bullet point then he can caution that player for unsporting behaviour. For example in a tense game and a players runs up into the face of an opponent gesturing and chanting in an inflammatory way that player can be cautioned. In High School games it is deemed to be taunting and it is a caution.

Whether shouting ole ole is acting in a provocative, derisory or inflammatory manner is a matter of opinion based on the actual circumstances. On its own I could not see that meriting a caution for USB yet a set of circumstances could change that such as a goalkeeper running 80 yards to get directly in the face of an opponent where there was previous history between the players in the game.

As to shouting during the game a referee can consider that certain shouting can be sanctioned with a caution for verbally distracting an opponent during play or at a restart and the restart is an indirect free kick. Case in point would be shouting LEAVE IT at an opponent. That is unsporting behaviour which is a caution and the restart is an indirect free kick.
Shouting ole ole would not merit a caution yet a referee could consider it unsporting behaviour of “shows a lack of respect for the game” if he so considered it to be which is a caution and an IDFK restart.
If a referee was more familiar with High School soccer rules he would know the taunting rule which is a caution. That is not a FIFA law although a referee can easily caution for something he believes is USB. As I have said in the past why do something that asks a question off a referee during play if the answer is possibly unfavorable.

Final comment is that all games requires Fair Play and Respect. If those principles are followed then unsporting conduct does not arise hence no need for a referee to sanction any player. Premature celebrations or shouting during a game does not espouse Fair Play.

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Answer provided by Referee Peter Grove

Hi Mario,
While as ref Dawson has pointed out, it would be unusual but possible for a player to be carded for unsporting behaviour for this, it should not be a penalty kick.

As stated in Law 12:

"All verbal offences are penalised with an indirect free kick."

Personally, I would find it difficult to see how this could be considered as a USB offence if used as you describe, purely for celebration. A referee of course, might judge it differently.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi Mario,
while it sounds a bit unusual it MIGHT depend on the how and when rather than what the chant itself was saying? Although that too can be considered depending on the content! It is considered USB (unsporting behavior to deceive or unfairly distract an opponent by yelling. For instance, it is usually OK to yell, "Mine!" or" I got it!" or even your name "Mario's ball" when you challenge. Same as when in the air a keeper challenges yelling "Keepers ball!" It is effective communication! However, on RARE occasions, it is like yelling or screaming into the ear of an opponent, Argh! at the top of your lungs, more to intimidate or put off an opponent.

The meaning or reason of the comments, were they intended to celebrate, or were they meant to demean or embarrass the opposition? I do not like to guess at the mindset of an official as to what their thinking was? That referee must answer to their own code of conduct or if they were being assessed perhaps a peer review might give them pause for consideration the next time? I think if you asked in a polite respectful tone not angry, snarky, or dripping with contempt. Please sir I am bewildered by the call? Can you please explain why the calling out, OLE? is worthy of caution and the awarding of a PK? (penalty kick)

You might get blown off or you might get a response but truthfully I am puzzled?
The usual restart from a verbal infraction is an INDFK although one could speculate it was a DOGSO by an offense punishable by a free kick and in crying out OLE he spits at or on an opponent close by, even if accidental?

Can you see how far I am reaching to find this credible? In the end, only that referee knows why he did what he did! ITOOTR (in the opinion of the referee) His Match His decision His reputation! I might even consider filing a protest just to get to the bottom of such a decision, No guarantee and there is a time limit as well as a financial charge to bring a protest to the disciplinary committee but I am for the most part befuddled at the call?

I can get a handle on a caution for perceived USB if the OLE was misconduct AFTER
a goal was scored by his team . A restart could be a Kick off for the opposing team as the goal scored would count for a myriad of reasons my colleague Ref McHugh mentioned earlier but I can't envision a PK (penalty kick) for a law 12 violation as a DFK upgrade for just saying OLE????

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