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Soccer Referee Questions on Soccer Rules

You-Call-It 82


Blue defender #3 in a diving stumbling effort while trying to head the ball away from goal winds up falling into the netted area of his goal. A yellow attacker manages to get to the ball and put a difficult shot on goal saved by the blue keeper. This blue defender #3 had frequently berated the AR on offside calls earlier was already on a caution for dissent and while tangled up in the netting is screaming obscenities at the AR for not awarding the foul claiming he was pushed. The CR signals with a whistle to stop play, what and where is the restart?

Our Hint

Our Answer...

INDFK outer edge of the 6 yard goal area, straight back from his location in the goal. Play is stopped to show a card, could be a direct red for OFFINABUS and send off blue plays a man down but could be a 2nd yellow caution for USB shown, then the red card and send off, blue plays a man down

That was our Question YOUR Answer is... Educating and Amusing The Soccer Referee Since October 11, 1999

Soccer Referee Extras
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Offside Question?

Offside Explained by Chuck Fleischer & Richard Dawson, Former & Current Editor of AskTheRef


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