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Soccer Referee Questions on Soccer Rules

You-Call-It 90


#17 blue is making inroads along the goal line, dribbling the ball, intending to make a cross pass to a free teammate #3 blue on the opposing side. #12 yellow defender intercepts the pass but is guilty of deliberately handling the ball just outside the penalty area near the goal line. Undaunted a follow-up blue attacker #14 takes advantage of the ball's deflection direction to sweep in and strike a hard shot at the net from a difficult angle that deflects off the post then rebounds to attacker #17. Your AR has the flag up so you stop play. Claiming #17 was offside. Your decision is?

Our Hint

law 5 law 11 What was CLEAR??

Our Answer...

It is difficult to conjecture a scenario where there are variables that are not specifically stated however, let's remember to think about the positioning, making inroads along the goal line, so where is the keeper, how much net is exposed, the blatant USB of that handling stops the pass to an OPEN player? What direction is the ball headed? The question did say DIFFICULT angle! Would it make a difference WHAT angle if say the ball was 5 feet from the goal line or 15 or 50? What if there were no other defenders to cover #3 blue? Could it even be a red card for DOGSO? CLARITY, look at the whole situation, replay it in your mind? Keep in mind the defender deliberately handled the ball to stop the attack from succeeding!! Also, keep in mind if 17 blue was offside BEFORE the handling all this is nonsense and better mechanics might be needed! ! What was CLEAR??

If we consider the deliberate handling by #12 yellow, redirects the QUALITY pass by #17 blue to an open onside teammate #3 blue, into a deflection of the ball towards another onside teammate #14 blue but in a poor shooting position, at a bad angle!

When #14 shoots IF #17 blue was offside then the rebound of the ball off the post to him could be gaining an advantage. So if that was true INDFK out, you are satisfied #14 blue's shot was sufficient for advantage but WAS it?

I can understand 2 bites of the apple argument being presented, but realistically if that pass had made it to #3 blue for an obvious goal-scoring opportunity is a so-so one by #14 blue the same?

Those of you who would at the minimum, show a yellow card & caution #12 no matter what decision be it INDFK out or DFK outside the PA along the goal line are thinking appropriately.

In the match, the DFK was awarded and the defender was cautioned but only after some heated discussion as to whether red for DOGSO should be applied as #3 WAS wide open if that pass had gone though. Remember your match, your decision, your reputation

That was our Question YOUR Answer is... Educating and Amusing The Soccer Referee Since October 11, 1999

Soccer Referee Extras
Friday, July 26, 2024

Offside Question?

Offside Explained by Chuck Fleischer & Richard Dawson, Former & Current Editor of AskTheRef


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