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Soccer Referee Questions on Soccer Rules

You-Call-It 91


The 2nd last defender in full flight is back chasing a through ball dropped over his head with a lurking attacker stride for stride maybe 1/2 step behind. Both are likely expecting the ball to hit the ground and bounce away towards the defenders' goal but there are forces at work, a strong headwind, and a lot of backspin causes the ball upon impact to reverse its direction and catches the defender by surprise. Now he is desperately trying to stop and play the ball coming back at him instead of running on to get it. The defender raises his arms as in a hold-up position trying to play the ball off his chest and keep his arms out of the way as he scrambles to come to a stop. The following attacker given the high-speed of pursuit cannot adjust to the quick stop & basically eats the forearm & elbow with his face. Screams for a foul arise as the attacker is holding their face. As referee what is your decision? Your match. Your decision. Your Reputation

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That was our Question YOUR Answer is... Educating and Amusing The Soccer Referee Since October 11, 1999

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Offside Explained by Chuck Fleischer & Richard Dawson, Former & Current Editor of AskTheRef


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