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Question Number: 14488

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct 11/21/2006

RE: USSF 7 Adult

David Ogrin of New Braunfels, TX USA asks...

This question is a follow up to question 14228

In the instance where the keeper takes the goal kick and it is headed back to him, isn't that just a more intentional play of the keeper taking the GK, it hitting the same player in the butt and rolling back to the keeper?

With that said on scenario one it seems to me to walk a really fine line of circumventing the Laws of the Game. If I actually saw it I would be stunned but probably quietly suggest they not do it again.


Answer provided by Referee Ben Mueller

If the ball clears the penalty area, hits a player, and comes back to keeper...he can handle the ball. If his/her teammate kicked ball back to keeper deliberatly, then no. If it bounces of the keepers teammates back and comes back to keeper, I would call nothing. f I felt they were circumventing the laws, I would tell them not to do that again and then call it if I saw it happen again.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

A ball that is required to be put into play from a goal kick must leave the goal area. It seems that ball is then available to be challenged so less likely to get too bent. Takes skill to get the force speed direction etc..
What would you do in this case? Keeper has ball in hand live action runs to PA boundryline and teammate stands on the opposing side of the line. All opponets have dropped away thinking punt keeper toses ball to that teammates a few feet away he heads it back to keeper who holds the ball for six seconds does it again repeats until challenged by an opponent ? Cheers

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Answer provided by Referee Chuck Fleischer

We shouldn't worry about this because the ball is there to play by both sides. If the side is so unskilled a goal kick presents a problem yet so incredibly skilled heading the ball back to the keeper taking a goal kick stand and enjoy the dicodomy. Nothing is wrong.


Read other questions answered by Referee Chuck Fleischer

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Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

Once it clears the penalty area and is in play, I wouldn't worry about how a teammate gets the ball back to hos keeper unless deliberately kicked with the foot. I don't see how heading it back can be trickery unless the teammate kicks it up to his head as described in LOTG

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