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Question Number: 18361

Law 16 - Goal Kick 2/11/2008

Chris of Vancouver, BC Canada asks...

This question is a follow up to question 8507

I am puzzled by Ref Keith Contarino's answer to this question (assuming the the query should have read "goal kick" instead of goal).

I see no law or inference from any law in LOTG that prevents a player taking a goal kick from changing his mind and placing the ball on another spot, provided he does this with due haste. Delay of game can be called if the ref feels that the player is actually engaged in this, but if not, it seems to be a valid action.

This is not meant to challenge, simply to clarify.


Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

The choice is of course referee discreston with reguards to delaying a restart which as an opinion is not a strict timed event but rather as circumstances dictate and what constitutes due haste. A warning to get on with the game is meant to stay the use of a caution rather than inspire its use! Spot the ball and kick it is all that was meant.

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Answer provided by Referee Gary Voshol

The USSF publication "Advice to Referees" has this section. Note the 2nd to last bullet point.
The following are specific examples of this form of misconduct (some of which may also be
committed by substitutes):
* Kicks or throws the ball away or holds the ball to prevent or delay a free kick, throw-in, or corner kick restart by an opponent
* Fails to restart play after being so instructed by the referee
* Excessively celebrates a goal
* Fails to return to the field from a midgame break, fails to perform a kick-off when signaled by the referee, or fails to be in a correct position for a kick-off
* Performing a throw-in improperly with the apparent intention of being required to perform the throw-in again, thus wasting time
* Unnecessarily moving a ball which has already been properly placed on the ground for a goal kick
* Provokes a confrontation by deliberately touching the ball after the referee has stopped play

While this document does not apply to you directly in Canada, the concepts contained in it are universal. Should the document ever disagree with something that comes from IFAB/FIFA, it is changed in the next edition.

Read other questions answered by Referee Gary Voshol

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Answer provided by Referee Chuck Fleischer

Chris, Ref Contarino might have missed the fact that not all referees are from the US. He merely mentioned what we are supposed to think about here. Paragraph 16.5 ATR talks about moving the ball after placing it for a goal kick may be construed as time wasting.


Read other questions answered by Referee Chuck Fleischer

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Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

Sorry Chris, as Ref Fleischer states, I answered as a US referee. LOTG do not prohibit this so I suspect it is up to whatever referee you have on a particular day as to whether or not moving the ball once placed on the ground at a goal kick is to be allowed. Here it is not.

Read other questions answered by Referee Keith Contarino

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