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Question Number: 19564

Law 16 - Goal Kick 7/3/2008

RE: Recreational Adult

Edgar Hulatt of Calgary, Alberta Canada asks...

At the taking of a goal kick the keeper kicked the ground and only partially connected with the ball. The ball was rolling towards the edge of the penalty area towards an attacker waiting outside. The keeper chased after the ball and kicked it away when it was crossing the line. I directed the kick to be retaken as the ball had not left the penalty area and was therefore not in play.

Was there another sanction I could/should have taken against the goalkeeper, as by kicking the ball twice in the area he took a potential advantage away from the other team?

Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Even though it was a second touch you correctly retook the goal kick! So good job! In your particular case the only restart available is to retake the goal kick although it remains YOUR OPINION ff the ball is poorly delivered the keeper could be quilty of USB and CAUTIONED for the action. However, when there is a stumble or miss kick much like a guy taking a throw in who stumbles as he tries to put the ball in play it really is not against the spirit of competition to simply order a retake or rekick. But do it right away rather than let this unfold simply because it will look unfair and if you were not going to let them do over once play is allowed to continue a caution for the action is likely justified. The issue becomes fuzzy if you let this happen with no caution then the other team will feel they have one owing.

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Answer provided by Referee Gary Voshol

If you viewed this as deliberate time wasting, you could caution. As a mistaken kick, it's best to just give the retake, at least until it's repeated. Repetition starts to look like deliberate to me.

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Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

Your restart is correct. Given the level of play, it's doubtful a caution is warranted but could be given if this was something the keeper had done before and been warned not to do again

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