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Question Number: 19586

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct 7/8/2008

RE: Comp Under 15

Dave of Des Moines, IA US asks...

This question is a follow up to question 19564

Thanks for your site. It has been extremely helpful. I did have a question about question 19564.

Perhaps I didn't quite understand the responses, but I would think that if a kicker of a goal kick muffs the kick, and then chases after it to kick it away before an attacker (waiting just outside the PA) can get to it, then the goal-kicker should be cautioned for USB, without question.

It appears that the ball would have clearly exited the PA and an attacker was eagerly waiting to get to it.

This could be a great scoring opportunity since most everyone would be far from the defending goal including the keeper.

I was curious as to why accidentally pooching a kick has anything to do with how to judge the conduct afterward. If he mis-kicks, well too bad, it's the team that makes the least amount of little mistakes that ussually wins. The kicker then ran out to stop the advantage that the attacker would have surely enjoyed.

Of course it would be different if there were no attackers nearby.

Again, I may not have clearly understood the situation, but I would have certainly cautioned the kicker, regardless of the stumbled kick, and restarted with a re-kick.

Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

I think you understand correctly, we just disagree. This is an adult recreational game. Given that, I would not caution. Were this a select level of play I would indeed caution. In any case, I would not find fault with any referee that decided this was misconduct.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

We are always content to know that our efforts are appreciated and some understanding of the issues are resolved.

IN answering the what ifs of all possible senarioes we recognize that each incident has match conditions attached to it. The skill, age, weather and field conditions all factor in.

You are correct a mistake by the kicker is not an excuse to create misconduct but a slip seen by the referee can be interpreted as a stumble or a condition of putting the ball back into play that truly was not in the best interest of the game. Hence my suggestion to immediately blow the whistle and retake rather then wait for an outcome where the misconduct becomes an issue.

Wet conditions where we slip , a small diviot to stumble over or catch the toe against the back of your ankle can create a miss hit of the ball .

Remember too that all defenders can be inside and if a ball is slowly rolling towards the boundry line as the defender follows it inside , if an attacker waiting outside he must allow that ball to completely exit!

Now if a defender gets in between the ball and is backing up and runs into that attacker who is at fault? This is a collision that will occur given the conditions some bump and shove and possible a cry of "REF!" Call something here?
What criteria do you use?
The ball is within playing distance but it cannot be played!
The attacker must be completely outside the penalty area but a defender can be inside including standing on the boundryline as the ball is exiting.
If there is contact if it is before the ball exits it is misconduct as the ball is not in play.

So yes you can find reason to award a caution show a card but think on the simple retake with no limiting conditions as much easier on the match.

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