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Question Number: 21540

Law 16 - Goal Kick 6/14/2009

RE: Rec College

Peter of Park Ridge, Illinois US asks...

In a game in my summer rec league I encountered a fairly odd call that I didn't think was possible. The other team had taken a shot which went behind for a goal kick. One of my fullbacks jogged back to get the ball and tossed it up to me to take the kick. I spotted the ball and prepared to take the kick when the fullback who had grabbed the ball came to the other side of the 6 yard box and told me he'd take it as his leg was stronger. I grabbed the ball and tossed it over to him at which point the ref blew the whistle and told us we couldn't move the ball once it was set down. He then awarded an indirect kick on the 6 yard line to the team. I'm fairly well versed in the rules of the game but I've never in my life heard of this offense nor have I seen it called. It wasn't worth arguing at the time but having done some research after the game I'm beginning to suspect what we did wasn't illegal. Who was correct in this situation?

Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Congratulations for not arguing and doing some research.
The referee was making up his own laws on the restart. As a miss application of law that is protestable.

The referee might want the restart to be taken quickly and could verbally warn, 'Spot it and kick it do not waste our time!' At worst he could see the double spotting as misconduct during a restart as a delay of the restart and caution show a yellow card. If the referee was paying attention and aware of the circumstances as you described to caution for time wasting at this first time action is in my opinion harsh.

The ATR (advise to referees) seems to indicate the ball should remain where it was initially placed and a caution could be considered upon repetition of the unneccessary moving the ball action. The restart however, is ALWAYS a GOAL kick! The game must be restarted with the goal kick.
Inform the league referee assignor to be sure the referee receives some remedial training in BASIC RESTART law!

Admittedly as a Canadian referee I am not bound by the ATR! The ATR is excellent advise but it is not law! The ATR (advise to referees) as you are a USA referee dictates the policy they want you to follow. I hold the opinion they do not DEMAND a caution for a first offence but EXPECT the referee to do so, if after being warned, they repeated the action!
Those upon being challenged by the referee to not move the ball once placed would be foolish to repeat. As failure to comply is a form of dissent!

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Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

The referee was correct in not allowing the ball to be moved once placed. Advice To Referees On The Laws Of The Game tell us:

Upon being awarded a goal kick, the defending team wastes time if the ball is clearly placed within the goal area in preparation for the restart and then is moved unnecessarily to another location.

If this infraction is repeated then a caution and yellow card may be issued.

However, the referee has made an error as the only possible restart is a goal kick as play was never restarted. He could not award an IFK in this situation. This is one of those things you rarely see above U12. The ball will be placed on one edge of the 6 yard line and the coach, thinking he can somehow trick the other team, will have his player pick the ball up and run to the other end of the goal area. Of course, EVERYBODY sees this and no one is fooled. The smart thing when you see this about to happen is to blow the whistle and tell the player once the ball is on the ground, it can't be moved. When working Ulittle games it's even smarter to tell them this before the game.

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