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Question Number: 21563

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct 6/19/2009

David of Houston, Texas USA asks...

This question is a follow up to question 21540

This situation raises a question. In the original, the question was on a goal kick, can the ball be moved once it it placed? The answer is that Advice to Referees holds that this is a violation, in that it delays the restart of play. However, when it is used as a tactical ploy it is usually done quickly, and in fact may result in a faster restart than many 'regular' goal kicks. Can we in fact rule that a 'fast' restart is a delay?

A secondary question, since Law 16 doesn't specifically mention anything about moving the ball, doesn't the Advice add a rule? How are players to know this isn't legal if the Law makes no mention?

I agree with you that it is a ploy that rarely works. What I see more often is the 'fake' placement with a quick run to the other side. Again, no one is fooled.

Answer provided by Referee Gary Voshol

The Interpretation and Guidelines section of the Laws of the Game says, on page 116:
Referees must caution players who delay the restart of play by tactics such as:
? taking a free kick from the wrong position with the sole intention of forcing the referee to order a retake
? appearing to take a throw-in but suddenly leaving it to one of his team-mates to take
? kicking the ball away or carrying it away with the hands after the referee has stopped play
? excessively delaying the taking of a throw-in or free kick
? delaying leaving the field of play when being substituted
? provoking a confrontation by deliberately touching the ball after the referee has stopped play

So when Advice 12.28.4 adds bullet point
? Unnecessarily moving a ball which has already been properly placed on the ground for a goal kick'
it doesn't so much create a new rule; it merely gives another example of delaying the restart. It is in the same mold as IFAB's list of delaying by switching throwers, or delaying the taking of a free kick.

You are correct, that if there is little to no delay, there should be nothing done about the player switching positions of where the goal kick will be taken from. But once the ball is placed, any movement of it could be seen as unnecessary and of some delay, however infinitesimal. Referees are told to ignore trifling offenses; if the delay is real but short, it should be ignored. Note that trifling becomes non-trifling when the other team starts getting annoyed. If the team that is behind by one goal thinks the referee is complicit with the opponents in using up the remaining time of the game, things will not go well.

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Answer provided by Referee Keith Contarino

I find it a bit amusing that you assume players actually read ANY of the Laws Of The Game much less specific infractions at a goal kick. But you bring up a good point: how, indeed, are players to know this tactic is not allowed? As I said in my original answer, the referee in pregame when doing younger age groups should go over things like this with the coaches and players. Additional things that no players at these age groups and rarely coaches know should also be gone over. I tell players they must give 2 yards at a throw-in, make sure they have at least a reasonable concept of offside, try to explain what deliberately handling the ball means and what a deliberate kick to the goalkeeper means.I give a brief explanation of the concept of advantage and what trifling means. I also ask if they want clarification on anything they are unclear on. It adds some time to my pregame but if you are working U12 and under, it's part of your job to educate and also makes your job easier if everyone has a better understanding of the Laws.

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