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Question Number: 31020

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct 11/13/2016

RE: competitive Adult

Jacob Mungoma of Malindi, Kenya asks...

While contesting for the ball from a corner kick, a defender Green #6 kicks the ball well long past the centre half line. A very fast running attacker Green #8 from his half gets the ball and dribbles past the White keeper who was out for a save and the keeper is left on the ground as the attacker goes to score. In despair, no any other White goes for a challenge against Green #8 as he is (definitely) far from reach. However, on reaching somewhere close to the goal line ( ball being 1 foot or so from the goal line), the attacker stopped the ball stand still, turned and faced back toward the field of play, sat down on the field (deliberately) with the ball behind him and pushed it (while seated) using his buttocks into the goal. This scenario was experienced by a friend today and he shared with me for my opinion, for him he awarded a goal. For me, I was seeing some kind of unsporting behavior ( by deliberately sitting), but did not want to end there! please, help here! Was this goal genuine? or what would be a wiser call?

Answer provided by Referee Joe McHugh

Hi Jacob
We have to distinguish between what is illegal and what is ill advised and showing a lack of respect. I have seen somewhat similar twice in the French Leagues except that the players knelt down to head the ball over the line and both times it caused a furore with clubs apologising and the League having to step in as players were sent off for violent conduct in the aftermath. The referee in both circumstances awarded the goals. Here is one of them. I believe the GK was dismissed.
As described by you I would probably award the goal as no law has been broken as I assume no player was near the player to be influenced by his action.
The player though has shown disrespect towards the opponents with this childish behaviour, something that might happen in the schoolyard kickabout. Perhaps if it was a blow out score in an underage game a referee might caution a young player for showing a lack of respect for the game and restart with an IDFK. It does not happen very often so not something to be overly concerned about.
So for me in adult game I would allow the goal, speak to the player and pay particular attention to him for the remainder of the game. The opponents can decide to take *action* themselves when they feel slighted.

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Answer provided by Referee Richard Dawson

Hi Jacob,
you mentioned you were still having difficulties in locating old You call its? They are in the article section?
Does the link Joe gave you not work?
On the front main page you hit article button 3rd from top left hand side, next hit the top you call it logo and then look down the scroll you will see old and new ones intermixed so check dates and numbers. New versions of the LOTG render some no longer viable as correct responses
Our answers are published in each of the articles as well as few of the public responses.

In your question the players have a right to score with any legal body part. It is always a joyous occasion, usually with a lot of hard work involved so we can forgive some enthusiasm albeit certain performances have repercussions as in removing the shirt considered as a form of USB. This event COULD be seen as a form of taunting and it is within the opinion of the referee as such to be ruled as USB. A caution with an INDFK awarded rather than a goal is a BIG DEAL . The referee would have to be convinced the player was in fact acting inappropriately towards the opposition not just having a moment of enjoyment. I likely award the goal unless there were preliminary actions where our scorer was engaged in deliberately trying to invoke a harsh response by doing more than just score the goal. Perhaps using verbal as well as body language to convey distain or ridicule? IF that is the impression that player gives off, then award the INDFK and caution, show the yellow card. If it is THAT apparent it was done to embarrass and was viewed as a mean, spiteful action perhaps even his own team will be irritated with him. But if it is a bit of a laugh and just an fun exercise, award the goal! Just be aware that not all might be as forgiving as you! lol

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