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Questions & Answers for "Pre-game"

21 - 30 of 68

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Pre-Game 3/21/2014

Thomas Winters of Fayetteville, NC USA asks...

im about to ref my first couple of games tomorrow morning. i have a U8 by myself then U12 jar then U6 by myelf. since im by myself for the first time and i cant ask anyone there, what kind of things do i need to do pregame? do i need to talk to the k...

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Law 11 - Offside 12/30/2013

Matt Brown of Palo Alto, California United States asks...

Attacker gains possession of the ball on his 40 yard line, and immediately advances into a scrum of at least 6 players in the center of the field. The defense has pulled all players up to the 50 yard line. There is a single attacker on the defense ...

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Pre-Game 8/2/2012

Harris of Someplace, Somewhere Canada asks...

What are a good set of pre-game instructions to give to ARs with regards to mass confrontation.

Some referees ask their senior AR to remain at their position to maintain and hold the technical area personnel and substitutes and prevent them ...

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Law 5 - The Referee 6/2/2012

tom of Lincoln, MA USA asks...

The hardest part of reffing adult women's league games is the player check-in. How can I do this quicker and get the games started on time? Players typically arrive just before the game is scheduled to start. Is there something I can do to help get t...

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Law 5 - The Referee 5/4/2012

Rob of Lodi, WI USA asks...

Looking for some suggestions on how to handle a coach who consistently makes the referee crew and the other team wait.

This is Wisconsin High School. This coach and team are consistently late for the pre-game meeting. It is done on purpo...

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Other 11/25/2011

Fred Landau of Harrisburg, PA USA asks...

In the USSF Grade 9 Course there are a series of 3 role play scripts for the young referee to practice with a parent or other adult. They deal with pre-game intros, dealing with a problem coach and dealing with a problem parent. You can download th...

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Law 5 - The Referee 7/26/2011

Michael Pratt of Naperville, IL USA asks...

Doing a US Soccer sanctioned youth tournament and during the pre-game inspection the referee instructs all the female players to remove their jewelry as required by Law 4, tournament rules, etc. He also tells them that if they step on ...

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Law 5 - The Referee 7/6/2011

Todd Wendorf of Harrisburg, PA United States asks...

Alright...I will bring up the elephant in the room. On July 3rd, during the Australia-Equatorial Guinea women's match, a defender from Equatorial Guinea appeared to have intentionally handled the ball in the Penalty Area. After holding the ball for...

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Character, Attitude and Control 7/5/2011

Mike of , Ontario Canada asks...


I have a very big game in 5 days time. I am refereeing as a centre referee in a Women's First Division game after a long time. My assistants will be my evaluators and I was wondering what assessors look for from referees that would impre...

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Law 11 - Offside 5/20/2011

Jared Sperling of Corpus Christi, TX USA asks...

I was asked a question from a youth Referee the other day that I wasn't quite sure how to answer. I explained in my pre-game to ensure that on an Offside call, to make sure that the Player in an Offside position actually plays the ball before calling...

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