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Questions & Answers for "Mechanics"

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Mechanics 12/9/2023

Rod Senior of Fort Myers, FL United States asks...

Crystal Palace v Liverpool game 12/9/23

1. Penalty was awarded when Van Dyke brought down a Palace player in the box. Van Dyke got a yellow card. VAR spotted a foul against Liverpool prior to the penalty incident. VAR was upheld and the pe...

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Mechanics 12/2/2023

Mike Byers of Champaign , IL Usa asks...

I had an issue come up during a recent game that I wanted to get irrespective on. At a recent showcase gane with college scouts, I was center and my AR called a handball in the box and deemed it a DOGSO. From my angle, I could not see the arm ext...

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Mechanics 11/12/2023

Crebs Crem of Zagreb, Croatia asks...


My question is about VAR review on violent conducts and serious foul plays.

As far as I know, VAR can advise a review for violent conducts and serious foul plays even after the game has stooped and restarted.


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Mechanics 11/11/2023

Petr of Prague, Czech Republic Czech Republic asks...

Thanks! I still have an additional question.

Mr Dawson writes this: 'What is different in todays LOTG is that caution is of its own separate entity. That caution would not count towards a second caution should that player receive another o...

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Mechanics 10/29/2023

Antonis Klidas of Athens, Greece asks...

One more general question on my side regarding 'second yellow cards'.

In several games, I note that referees may award the first yellow card 'easily', but the second yellow card for a 'similar' offense less easily, and I wonder whether you...

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Mechanics 10/29/2023

Antonis Klidas of Athens, Greece asks...

Can you please give me your expert opinion on referee decisions in Olympique Marseille vs. AEK Athens on Thursday 26 October for the Europa League? There are two decisions that were contested:
1. Whether there was an offensive foul against AEK d...

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Mechanics 10/26/2023

Crebs Crem of Zagreb, Croatia asks...


In the following scenario, what should the referee decide?

Player A2 commits a serious foul play on player B10 outside the penalty area, the referee sees the incident but the ball falls in front of player B9, who is one one ...

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Mechanics 10/18/2023

Crebs Crem of Zagreb , Croatia asks...


In the following case, should VAR intervene?

Player B7 crosses the ball towards the opponent's penalty area, after B7 hits the balls, player A3 commits a late tackle and clearly fouls B7 but the referee misses the incident. ...

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Mechanics 10/2/2023

Peter Babbage of Hjorring , Denmark asks...

Regarding the VAR fiasco in the Liverpool game, if the Spurs players took the free kick for offside quickly could the VAR people have still contacted the ref and say no it was a goal....

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Mechanics 9/30/2023

AEK Fan Club Of NY of ASTORIA, NY USA asks...

Thank you for your answer. The referee was not shown the tackle on player 19, just player 12, after having awarded the penalty, for tackle on player 12.
So the question is, should the referee have also been shown the tackle on player 19, even th...

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