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Law 13 - Free Kicks
Question 31 thru 40 of 803

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Law 13 - Free Kicks 7/16/2019

Joaquin Donis of Plantation, FL usa asks...

I have never seen this shot. The attacking team is given a shot about 20 steps from the goal. All the defending team, with the goalie, lines up as if they were goalie. The whole goal is defended by the whole team. What kind of shot or foul is this.
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Law 13 - Free Kicks 7/1/2019

Andrew of Sydney, NSW Australia asks...

My question relates to when a free kick is taken and all opponents must remain at least 9.15 m (10 yds) from the ball, unless they are on their own goal line between the goalposts. When does the the referee need to 'step out' the 10 yards? For exampl...

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Law 13 - Free Kicks 6/22/2019

Kailyn of Winnipeg, Canada asks...

If there is a free kick against the forward in the penalty box, does the goalie get to take the kick anywhere in the box? Or does it have to be where the foul was?...

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Law 13 - Free Kicks 6/20/2019

Juan Hartnack of West Haven, CT USA asks...

On a free kick, the ball is passed back to the keeper, who misplays it and the ball caroms off the keeper's foot and into goal, what is the proper restart?...

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Law 13 - Free Kicks 6/11/2019

Russell of Sydney, Australia asks...

Is this a indication of the future regarding set piece play?

In the Spain v South Africa Women's WC match, Spain had a DFK where they set a 'wall' players in front of the Sth A 'wall' (that had more then three players) a notable distance awa...

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Law 13 - Free Kicks 6/6/2019

gary of nashua, nh usa asks...

It seems a growing number of players and coaches dont know what constitutes a direct free kick or indirect. Had a game recently in which the coach started to announce to players that a careless charging foul was indirect. Had to make an announcement ...

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Law 13 - Free Kicks 5/24/2019

Barry Stewart of Chilliwack, BC Canada asks...

Regarding kicked restarts: I'm sure we've all seen the kicker (especially at IDFKs and kick-offs) who puts his foot on top of the ball and rolls the ball back and forth until he sees his chance to release it. Even worse, the player who rocks the ball...

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Law 13 - Free Kicks 5/21/2019

Mitch Dubensky of Washington DC, Washington DC USA asks...

A free kick is awarded. Referee arm signal is unintelligible as it was neither for a direct or indirect kick. The 16 year old player looks at the referee and can't figure it out. He asks him 'can I shoot it.' The referee did not vocalize whether ...

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Law 13 - Free Kicks 5/9/2019

don of houston, tx usa asks...

How strict to be with opponents standing in front of the ball on a free kick restart? You mentioned your frustration with pro refs not punishing this more in my last question, and I agree. But this particular caution always gives me reservations abo...

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Law 13 - Free Kicks 4/14/2019

paul of albuquerque, nm usa asks...

On a free kick (in this case it was offside), kick taker doesn't ask for 10 yards. Defender stands about 5-6 yards away (so not close enough to tell the defender to back up) and when the attacker kicks the ball, defender stays at the same distance bu...

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