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Law 16 - Goal Kick
Question 141 thru 150 of 240

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Law 16 - Goal Kick 4/26/2010

Darren of Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa asks...

If my team is taking a goal kick. Can I or any other player in my team also be in the 18 yard box to receive the ball.
I would also like to ask, just out of interest, what league you referee in (or use to referee in)....

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Law 16 - Goal Kick 4/20/2010

Donna Meredith of Amissville, VA USA asks...

I just want to get a verification. A goalie is doing a goal kick. The ball does not cross the penalty area and he re-kicks it. My rule would be that the restart would be a goal kick because the ball was never in play when the second touch occurred...

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Law 16 - Goal Kick 4/17/2010

Tom Wiseman of Grayslake, IL USA asks...

Pretty basic question " who can be in the penalty area at the taking of a goal kick? I have always played that anyone on the team taking the kick can be in the area at the taking of the kick but cannot touch the kicked ball until it leaves the area....

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Law 16 - Goal Kick 4/1/2010

Steve of Hampshire, IL USA asks...

It is very windy,,There is a goal kick. The ball is kicked and leaves the penality area into the playing area but is still in the air... The wind blows the ball back towards the kickers goal, bounces and goes intot he goal..

Goal or corner k...

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Law 16 - Goal Kick 3/26/2010

Jon Able of Loganville, GA USA asks...

I would like to know if it is an automatic "yellow-card" offense for a defender, taking a goal kick, to re-set the ball before making the goal kick. The intent of the player was to switch field based on her very brief assessment before taking the ki...

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Law 16 - Goal Kick 3/13/2010

MARK of st louis, missouri st louis asks...

The team I am playing against takes a goal kick. Their player is on my side of the field and in an offside position when the kick is taken. The ball is not touched and goes over my center back's head and the player in the offside position gets the ...

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Law 16 - Goal Kick 3/10/2010

Jimmy of Houston, US asks...

Can be a goal if a defensive player takes a quick goal kick and does not allow an opponent to leave the penalty area and while doing that the ball hits the opponent's back and goes into the defensive players goal?...

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Law 16 - Goal Kick 3/9/2010

Will of Corona, Ca USA asks...

Defender kicks a goal kick. It is so windy that the ball travels up in the air, goes beyond the penalty area, and then the wind carries the ball backward. Without anyone from either team touching the ball, the wind carries the ball past...

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Law 16 - Goal Kick 3/4/2010

Joe Griego of Bishop, CA USA asks...

Wow, it actually happened! The one scenario that I always hear debated at referee classes, where a goal kick is taken, it leaves the penalty area(therefore it is in play), and the wind blows it back into the kicking team's net without being touched ...

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Law 16 - Goal Kick 3/4/2010

Dave of des moines, ia us asks...

Wind blows goal kick into own goal after exiting PA (assumed) with no other touches.
Yes, it does happen:
No goal right?
Restart with corner kick?...

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