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Questions & Answers for "Penalty Mark"

21 - 30 of 539

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Kicks From The Penalty mark 4/13/2019

Scott Cubbage of Orange County, California USA asks...

A division final match has come down to KFTPM. Team A kicks first. After two rounds A is behind 1 - 2. At the third round Team A kicks and misses, then Team B kicks and makes. The count stands at 1 - 3 in B's favor. Team B's keeper yells, scream...

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Law 14 - The Penalty kick 4/13/2019

shaun of Melbourne , NSW Australia asks...

Law 14. Procedure for the penalty kick:
The ball must be stationary on the penalty mark.
My question is that can ball be in any place on the penalty mark or has to be exactly in the center?
Thank you ...

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Law 14 - The Penalty kick 10/25/2018

Mr Secret of VANCOUVER, Bc Canada asks...

Regarding kicks from the penalty mark: A player comes up to take a penalty kick after extra time. He begins his run towards the ball, but just before he gets to the ball, he stops because he didn't like the way his run up was or the placement of his...

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Kicks From The Penalty mark 8/19/2018

Andrew of Sydney, NSW Australia asks...


I understand each team is responsible for selecting from the eligible players the order in which they will take the kicks from the penalty mark. Would you please advise at what point can the order ...

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Kicks From The Penalty mark 8/19/2018

Simon of Bradford, England asks...

In a penalty shoot out what happens I the goal keeper saves the ball on to the post and the ball comes back on to the goalkeeper then goes into the goal...

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Kicks From The Penalty mark 8/11/2018

Andrew of Sydney, NSW Australia asks...

Determining the outcome of a match and kicks from the penalty follow up question.

Where the player had his socks down around his ankles and the opposition were making a fuss and the referee asked the player to correct his equipment is the re...

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Kicks From The Penalty mark 8/11/2018

Andrew of Glenmore Park, NSW Australia asks...

My question is regarding kicks from the penalty mark and determining the outcome of a match.

What action does a referee take when a kicker makes his way and into the penalty area to take the kick and the referee notices that the kicker is no...

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Kicks From The Penalty mark 7/21/2018

Salvador Flores of Indianapolis, IN United States asks...

Question 1:
Kicks from the mark:
If you have kicks from the mark after extra time is over and you have all 11 kickers from one team kick, but the 11th kicker is about to kick and as he is about to walk up over to kick he gets injured. It says...

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Kicks From The Penalty mark 7/7/2018

joseph of westiminster, CA USA asks...

I have seen some penalty footage on Youtube where the goalie had already stopped/blocked the ball then ran away from the goal to celebrate. However, the ball then rolled into the goal. What is the world cup official rule on this? The penalty kick ...

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Kicks From The Penalty mark 7/2/2018

Douglas Wix of Liverpool, Merseyside United Kingdom asks...

Thanks for informative reply. I guess I will never agree with your answers. I feel the Danish defender took the player out & in fact what would have been a goal could have ended up Denmark beating Croatia-pity there isnt a penalty goal award!
Re ...

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